does one find a manager

Thirty fucking five??????????? Yeah, ready for retirement! Sit down grandad, you are embarrasing the kids.

Unless the rest of us old farts can remember you from back in the "good old days" when beer was cheap, and you could bareback buttfuck sluts with the worst thing to happen to you being a tomato skin down the Jap's Eye, I'd say you are going to have a struggle. Only people with proven track records, like our Billy here, will have a ghost of a chance after the age of 30. It just gets vaguely embarrassing after that, with just a whiff of old-folk piss.

Let's face it, every kiddywink and his brother have a Jackson and a Marshall now, and they certainly don't think anyone with male pattern baldness, a mortgage and middle aged spread has anything relevant to say. And of course, apart from cunts like me, all the other old farts who would see you as their peers, are "grown up" now and don't relish the thought of being out past 8pm listening to all that noisy guitar racket. Where is their latest Jack Jones CD?

I'm sure there will be a Shylock out there rubbing his spindly fingers together looking for a "silver (crowd)surfer" band to exploit, erm, I mean, manage. And there's no fool like an old fool is there, so you should find someone. Don't be surprised when you find out he's fucked off with a big wodge of your moolah though!! Good Luck!!!!
TheAssMaster said:
Thirty fucking five??????????? Yeah, ready for retirement! Sit down grandad, you are embarrasing the kids.

Unless the rest of us old farts can remember you from back in the "good old days" when beer was cheap, and you could bareback buttfuck sluts with the worst thing to happen to you being a tomato skin down the Jap's Eye, I'd say you are going to have a struggle. Only people with proven track records, like our Billy here, will have a ghost of a chance after the age of 30. It just gets vaguely embarrassing after that, with just a whiff of old-folk piss.

Let's face it, every kiddywink and his brother have a Jackson and a Marshall now, and they certainly don't think anyone with male pattern baldness, a mortgage and middle aged spread has anything relevant to say. And of course, apart from cunts like me, all the other old farts who would see you as their peers, are "grown up" now and don't relish the thought of being out past 8pm listening to all that noisy guitar racket. Where is their latest Jack Jones CD?

I'm sure there will be a Shylock out there rubbing his spindly fingers together looking for a "silver (crowd)surfer" band to exploit, erm, I mean, manage. And there's no fool like an old fool is there, so you should find someone. Don't be surprised when you find out he's fucked off with a big wodge of your moolah though!! Good Luck!!!!

Pretty vicious AssMaster...let the guy have his dream. It may be unrealistic, but...hey...that's what life's about. 35 is NOT too old.
TheAssMaster said:
Thirty fucking five??????????? Yeah, ready for retirement! Sit down grandad, you are embarrasing the kids.

Unless the rest of us old farts can remember you from back in the "good old days" when beer was cheap, and you could bareback buttfuck sluts with the worst thing to happen to you being a tomato skin down the Jap's Eye, I'd say you are going to have a struggle. Only people with proven track records, like our Billy here, will have a ghost of a chance after the age of 30. It just gets vaguely embarrassing after that, with just a whiff of old-folk piss.

Let's face it, every kiddywink and his brother have a Jackson and a Marshall now, and they certainly don't think anyone with male pattern baldness, a mortgage and middle aged spread has anything relevant to say. And of course, apart from cunts like me, all the other old farts who would see you as their peers, are "grown up" now and don't relish the thought of being out past 8pm listening to all that noisy guitar racket. Where is their latest Jack Jones CD?

I'm sure there will be a Shylock out there rubbing his spindly fingers together looking for a "silver (crowd)surfer" band to exploit, erm, I mean, manage. And there's no fool like an old fool is there, so you should find someone. Don't be surprised when you find out he's fucked off with a big wodge of your moolah though!! Good Luck!!!!

Asshole. I'm 37...will be 38 this year, and I'm in a band. Just 'cause yer brown starfish is a gaping maw doesn't mean you have to piss on other peoples' dreams and desires.

Now go stand in the corner and let yer pussy drip.
JLJ's band is pretty badass. It's not like he is in some douchebag band playing Taking Back Sunday covers. They have a lot of potential in the thrash scene, unlike 99% of the generic bands out there.
Now now Psycho, my tea-towel holder is the tightest little nipsy despite the attentions of my Mistress of Pain and her Feeldoe. I always rasp when I fart, have no fear, and I'm 36 and three quarters.

I also have dreams and desires, namely to win the Lottery and whisk Abi Titmus, Vida Garman and Anne Widdecombe (just Google them my US friends, and the Feeldoe!) off to a secluded love nest in a Scottish castle where me and my trusty love acorn will introduce them to cum slavery, whilst living high off the hog on the accrued interest. Apparently, my bank manager thinks this is unreasonable and has told me in no uncertain terms that he will skin my cobblers (and take my house) if I don't pay him back all the wedge I owe him. Bollocks! Ain't reality a bitch???

I do think the band in question here sounds OK, I'd even go as far as to say they are quite good. I certainly like that "Fuck Metallica" track! The vocalist sounds like that piss artist from Nuclear Assault, IMHO. Sad to say it though, I'd have shot my bolt over it in 1989, today I'm a bit more restrained (ooh, back to Mistress again!)
It sounds like they are doing OK without some thieving halfwit bleeding them dry and promising the earth. If they are playing gigs, recording and promoting themselves through this medium, and having fun, carry on!! Don't turn it into a stressful exercise chasing fame and fortune!

Best to just accept that whilst you were preparing, the train left without you, so long ago that they ripped up the lines, tarmacced over them and turned the station into a McD. Harsh, but sadly true.

Anyhooo, that ain't gonna stop JLJ, my comments didn't piss on his dreams, fuck me, who the fuck am I? Carry on mate, ENJOY IT! (But when your wife and kids tell you to pack it in, listen to them!!!)
The best thing you can do is set up showcases for potential managers. either at a club or a rehearsal studio. Always have something there for them.Food, booze, ect. No manager worth his salt would pass up a chance to discover a band while getting fed..