Bilskirnir - Wotansvolk [NSBM]


Mar 1, 2004

Bilskirnir - Wotansvolk

Style: NSBM
Lyrical Concepts: NS, Paganism
Influences/Similarities: Burzum, Forest, Branikald, slight punk influence as well.
Members: Widar
Origin: Germany
Main Page - N/A
Download - Wotansvolk
Myspace (Fan Site) -

I strongly recommend downloading Wotansvolk rather than basing your impressions off myspace, however, up to you.

Voidhanger recommended this to me about two weeks ago, trusting in his judgment I had it downloaded within about 2 minutes after him mentioning it to me. I'm incredibly glad I did this rather than adding it to the list of things I have yet to hear. Probably one of the best thing's I've heard this year, and had I heard it last year it may have topped my 2007 list.

Reconquering Atlantean Supremacy instantly spoke to me upon hearing the opening riff. The lyrics (only English ones on the album in fact) encompass everything this album represents and what Pagan NS attempts to convey yet is often lost to many.
Glad you liked it this much. I have all the CDs he's released, so if you're missing anything and need an upload let me know.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It is quite good, kind of similar, but not quite as strong in term of songwriting, to Absurd (opinion based on Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg).

Great reco though