If one were to boil this exhausted argument down to its essence, he/she would see that it is a simple matter of difference in ideology. Attempting to 'prove' or 'disprove' ideologies is a fruitless endeavor. The most we can hope for from this thread is a greater understanding of NS by those previously unacquainted or simply misinformed. And the belief of a band should not deter listeners, as it has little to do with the actual nature of the music at hand, only the inspiration behind it. The poster who refused to listen to Nokturnal Mortum simply denied themselves the opportunity to hear an excellent black metal band.
If it boils down to opinions for the sake of opinions, it is mine that NS is dangerous and ultimately deconstructionist in nature, elevating unnecessary and at times nonexistent sources of pride to create a dizzying height of pointless self-importance. It also seeks to eliminate any attempt our poor world can make towards creating an equal existence for all its peoples. It is easily enforcable by fascist theory, and although this does not mean an automatic "OH NOES HOLOCAUST RUN FOR IT!!!" situation, it opens the possibility for similar acts of carelessness. It creates a doorway into the Pandora's box of 1984.
Nationalism is foolishness. It is naive to claim that there are no differences in ethnicity and culture between peoples of the world. However, what is forgotten when the admittance of such a fact occurs is the far more important truth that the differences ultimately don't amount to a fucking thing. Someone will have to explain how being black or white actually means anything in the end. Who cares what someone is? The important thing is how that person has lived. That life has nothing to do with their race. Or their culture. It can be argued that culture influences choices and daily habits and routines and the little things which add up the the whole of a person's existence. Who decides which culture produces the greatest results? By what bar is this measured? Each culture has differing values, etc. How can a culture be deemed superior to another? By what criteria? The information that is used to quantify the value of a race is faulty in its nature. The subjectivity of human existence negates the possibility of a supreme culture, or a supreme race. Know your own identity, but do not forget that it is nothing more than that: your identity. Your name. Your description. Nothing more. In the end it means nothing. Your personal accomplishments define what you mean, and that is independent over something as trivial as race. Or eye color. Or height.
That is my opinion.
However, in debates of this nature, individual opinions are meaningless, as NS has not been on trial today or any other day. It remains open to all who wish to subscribe to it. It cannot be proven as wrong. All anyone can say is that they simply diagree.