NSBM Vs. Other racial thought.

Ifurin said:
That's not what I said at all but ok. I don't mind music that's passionately racist, because that passion usually translates through to the music. I could get into music that was passionate about any ideology really, I mean I don't agree with satanists or racists and yet most of the metal I like falls into those ideologies.
OK... than I take it back. :loco:

everyone hear about Starbucks suing that guy for naming his small-time beer Star Bock? Starbucks=lame and anyone who drinks that shit should be ashamed. You're helping put small-time quality brew out of business you yuppies.
J. said:
everyone hear about Starbucks suing that guy for naming his small-time beer Star Bock? Starbucks=lame and anyone who drinks that shit should be ashamed. You're helping put small-time quality brew out of business you yuppies.

you know, i never thought of it like that
Demilich said:
threads about beer are funner than threads about racism

What about threads with BOTH?

"how far back can you all trace your families?"

To the 1100s on my father's side. My family owned the largest farm in Akershus. :p

We even have our own weapons shield. :)

I'm so proud...
I mean, seriously, look at the German national socialist leadership...a failed painter, ex corporal (Hitler - that really prepared him to be a field marshall, huh...) a guy with a club foot (Goebbels - I thought physical imperfections showed genetic weakness!), a bug eyed freak (Himmler), an obese drug addict (Goering), a pudgy girly man (Roehm)....jesus.
J. said:
everyone hear about Starbucks suing that guy for naming his small-time beer Star Bock? Starbucks=lame and anyone who drinks that shit should be ashamed. You're helping put small-time quality brew out of business you yuppies.
I read about this...what kind of mouth breather would confuse starbucks with star bock....besides, bock is a style of beer! how can you sue for that??

plus starbucks makes all those girly coffees...give me manly straight black coffee, arrrrrgh.
One Inch Man said:
For the same reason why small independent bands like Especially Likely Sloth have such strange names: small independent breweries. :)

EDIT: Hmm, that didn't quite explain it. Because they are unpopular and weird. There, that should do.
Yeah, Swedish microbrews don't do the same to such an extent though. I dunno why. I fucking loves me a Hell or a Fallen Angel Bitter from Sweden's arguably best brewery, Jämtlands Bryggeri :drewl:

:rock: :rock:
:rock: :rock:

That's about as creative name-wise as Swedish beer gets.
haha! LOL @ this:
lizard said:
a bug eyed freak (Himmler)

and that skinhead's nose a couple posts back.

on topic: national socialism, like the American Confederacy, didnt fucking SUCCEED. i don't understand why it's still an issue with some people. the Nazis were completely and totally wrong - an ethos based purely on speculation and irrationality. "pure race"? what does that *mean*? who cares? they lost. their grenades were gay too.
dorian gray said:
on topic: national socialism, like the American Confederacy, didnt fucking SUCCEED. i don't understand why it's still an issue with some people. the Nazis were completely and totally wrong - an ethos based purely on speculation and irrationality. "pure race"? what does that *mean*? who cares? they lost. their grenades were gay too.
So by your logic, because American "democracy" will fail in Iraq, "democracy" is wrong and should should be abandoned and forgotten!
well, despite Bush and Cheney's cheerleading, I would speculate that our forced democracy in Iraq IS going to fail. you have an artificially created nation (Iraq) with borders which were arbitrarilly (sp) selected, which includes three separate and distinct groups (sunni, shiite, kurd, and a smattering of turks)....while there seem to be plenty of iraqis who like this democracy thing, there are way too many factions who want the power. the situation is bad now; as soon as the Brits and US leave, I have predicted it will devolve into total civil war, a situation that will make Saddam's regime look humane by comparison.

one life was way too many to spend on these people.

polling numbers show the American people becoming rapidly less in favor of this folly, and Bush's total lack of any other substantive achievements will mark him as one of the worst american presidents ever.

me = nostradamus
in lieu of thanking me for my foresight, I URGE you to contribute funds to my new charity, http://www.fundanazi.com. There are fascists in your very neighborhood crying out for armbands and support groups.
Erik said:
So by your logic, because American "democracy" will fail in Iraq, "democracy" is wrong and should should be abandoned and forgotten!
no, seriously... what? i wasn't saying that at all. i was just pointing out two political stances that certain demographics seem to hang on to, despite the fact that they failed miserably and are utterly pointless now. how come you never hear of a group of people dressing like ancient romans and flogging people? or maybe a sizeable group of spainiards sailing to central america to take over mexico city?