Racial views, anyone?

i believe 'racial views' entails forming sweeping generalizations about a class of people... and is based more upon ignorance of culture than any fact or matter of individuals.

so succinctly, i think racism sucks.
The only people I have a problem with are those who have a problem with Pagan people. Doesn't matter where they come from or what colour they are. Otherwise, it's do as you will and harm none far as I'm concerned.
i think most people have racial views to a certain extent! i admit i have some too! at the trainstation in my town there are always some turks hanging around and bugging people passing by! they dress like blacks from the bronx in this stupid gangsta style they saw in some fucked up american film! they think they are cool but they're just a laugh! they come to our country and then go just demanding but show no respect!
in vienna there are africans selling drugs in the subway! it's unbelievable! i saw them doing it during the day in a crowded place! and when the police cracks down on them they cry:"you just do this because we're black!" they use their race as an advantage to keep themselves from persecution! i think if a foreigner wants to come to this country he has to embrace our lifestyle and culture! and if he doesn't behave here then he get's thrown out again! like someone wanting to stay in your house! if he doesn't behave correctly and bugs you, you throw him out again! if a european would go to an islamic land and walk into the mosquee with shoes on the police would throw him out and maybe worse! if you come to a foreign country then you must behave like the people there and not like in your country! if you don't except the culture of this country then get out !
Totally agree, Fleischwolf. That bugs me too, but does that mean you consider _all_ africans to be potential drug-dealers-in-subways?
Hardly. And so, you can't say you're a racist. You just can't stand the ones who actaully do that shit. But hey, how many drug dealers are native to Austria? Quite a few. There are assholes in every culture, there are idiots all around. And since you know this, you can't be called racist. The day you can honestly claim to hate all africans, because some of them deal drugs in the subways, you are racist.
I guess racism will exist to one point in almost every man. Though one can eliminate racial prejustice with learning to know other people from different races...
Actually scientific reports mean that we are born racialists as an instinct:
Read this report here:

Anyway organized racism by racialist groups and ideology is idiotic. Racialists and nazis have stolen things from pagan culture and if you for example wear a Thors Hammer in Norway today and have short hair, many will stigmatise you as a racist...
Now that's really sad... :(
i don't think that every african is a potential drug dealer! but if we wouldn't have let them in in the first place, we wouldn't have to deal with this problem now! of course there are some native austrians who deal drugs, but compared to the foreigners, there're quite a few! i don't hate people from other races but they are sometimes so different in look and behavior that they are totaly alien to me! that's not a bad thing, on the other hand i can't say i'm sad that europe cracks down on the immigration issue nowerdays! in some places it's already starting to get really fucked up with those foreigners!
Fleischwolf, I do understand you very well, we have those probs here too, with those drug dealers etc... mainly foreigners are the criminals here in Germany... we have some people who claim to be Germans, but when they start talking, then it isn't German at all... that makes you thinking...
And I agree with it, if foreigners come to live in a different country, they should respect lifestyle and culture, if there is no behavour, then the person should leave the country. That would give them more respect...
Even though I may not like to admit it sometimes but it bothers me that the country of overladen with immigrants from Perú & Argentina that come looking for jobs chileans don't want to do, in the case of peruvians. But what really pisses me off is that they complain about the economical situation they're in now and they call for riots when they should have considered that before they came here where there wasn't enough money or jobs for anyone to begin with.
Yeah, those gangsta assholes I do NOT like at all. Here we call them whiggers. But they are trend whores, there's everything mixed in - blacks, whites, hispanics, orientals and what not. So it's not really what one could call a valid "race". I don't tend to judge a race as a whole based on one or two people. I go by it individually. There's trashy people in every race but one has to just remember that these individuals are not representative of their race as a whole. I certainly wouldn't slight someone "just because" they are black, jewish, muslim, hispanic, etc.
Yes, the nazis have stolen things from our culture, but it's also a shame that politicians act from that point. They don't see that many of these symbols mean other things to pagans and so on...

It's like prohobiting the jewish-star because some jews are extremists... it does not make sence at all..
Yes, I've seen the nazis in Sweden also use symbols of Karl XII and Gustav Vasa.. no one of them where nazis. hehe...
That's maybe hard to understand?
Well, Hitler just picked symbols that he knew ment something to very many, symbols with roots deep, deep within our culture. It's very saf that because of this, they are NOW associated with something negative.
I didn't want to enter this thread, as I do not like discussing racial matters (they seem pretty annoying to me, as `races´ are a rudimentary product of pretty idiotic parts of history to me)

but that talk about nazi abuse of heathen symbols interests me... I wanted changed my avatar a few days ago, but at first I wanted to choose a different one than I am using now. But I was unsure if I should use it, cause it showed a sunwheel (few here would relate that to nazism, even though it is closely related to the Hakenkreuz) and also shows a Hakenkreuz itself, in the shape of arms... anyone wanna know what I'm talking about, check for the CD cover of Riger - Hamingja, that was the on I wanted to use...

What do you think, should I use it or not? I don't think Riger used that cover cause of nazistic views (at lasrt, they're pagans, aren't they???)

Anyway, that stain on heathen symbols and heathendom itself (also provided in modern times by those heathen fronts and not only by the Third Reich) sickens me :(
I´m dividing people in two races - the one I like, and the one I don´t like...

I think racism is similar to feminism: It´s silly to claim that men and women are equal, there are differences, at least the physical ones. If you say "all men are equal", it´s a lie, every race has own features and cultures. Its just important to diversify between the facts and silly prejudices on one side and between the race as a whole and the individual on the other side. As long as people think, black people are criminals, the real black criminals have something to hide behind...
Yes, but physical difference (you don't consider color of the skin as such a physical difference, do you?) does not affect the abilities of the people, aside from the individual differences, I mean. And "all men are equal" has the meaning that all men have the same right. I just wish to see the day these arrogant words, that are limited to mankind will become true to everyone and everything. But that would be a dream, right? :(

We have alot of Black people in our city, and I always found them friendly people, MUCH more friendly than any "native" here... they are very polite, and I've NEVER seen any of them arrested, no, I did, once - because one of them didn't have enough money to pay for a train ticket. Police arrested the man after the train arrived its destination... I wish I have had enough money with me, I would have paid those lousy 20 Euros for the man. He wanted to see his family living about 100 km away...

Worst part was some old woman sitting by and watching the man, and while he was nearly crying that old bitch said: "Yes, right that it happens to them, those lazy foreigners... just spending their lives on our hard earned money."

Considering she was just stupid I didn't slap her for it, and also I've seen many old people coming up with similar sentences....

I was just angry, and many people behave like htis around here.
Of course the colour of skin is a physical difference, as well as the length of someone´s legs or the shape of someone´s head. It´s just wrong to judge people by their physical differences.... What I wanted to explain (probably not correct because of my bad english) is, that it´s nice to have so many different-looking-different-thinking people around in europe and that it´s better to accept those differences and take advantage from it and to widen his own horizon than to claim that all people are the same.

In the region where I live (it´s on the countryside) we don´t have a lot of black people (seeing one walking around is still some kind of sensation for the old people), but there is a minority of gypsies, which have to deal with silly prejudices (lazy, foolish, criminal...). Even educated people think so, I can´t understand that.
there certainly are races, it is not some kind of made up therm!
in white skin, especially very white nordic one, ), the blood vessels are very fine and superficial and easily broken which results in black and blue marks! This is because the skin is suited for colder conditions. The superficial blood vessels are favourable for keeping the skin and exposed body parts warm! also, light pigmented skin is better suited to absorb the rays of the sun , so that it can get the “sun vitamins” into the bodly system easier! this is favorable in northern terrains, where the sun is shines less often! i have a very light skin even for a white and i get a sunburn very easely, even in austria! i don't think that i would last very long in africa without sunprotection! on the other hand a black can't syntecise the "sun-vitamis(i think it's vitamin b)" in northern conditions as easely as a white and would suffer from this! nowerdays of course medicine can help but in former times people who weren't adjusted to the climate very well, would have died! so it does have a sence that races exist! it's a natural thing! it was very much nessecery for survival in former times! what's wrong with it anyways?