Racial views, anyone?

Exactly, So I can't really see a need to divide people into physically different races nowadays. In todays multicultural societies, peoples minds should be the base for any racial division, and also discrimination.
Discriminating africans is wrong. Discriminating swedes is, although fun, also wrong (a very good friend of mine is swedish, mind you :) ). Discriminating anyone based on where they come from is wrong!
If everyone started discriminating people on the grounds of "my" racial views instead of the current ones, the world would be a better place. Seeing the only ones who discriminate today belong to the "lower" races. They'd be forced to discriminate themselves.

'cause face it, there will always be some people looking for someone to discriminate. "All men is equal" is a blatant lie, and will forever be just that. Anyone hoping for this should think twice about it. I don't want to be a face in the crowd. No men are equal. I want to be an individual, with my own mind, my own thoughts, my own rights and my own feelings. Don't you?
sorry, but multiculturalism is an idea i can't say i like! that doesn't mean that a society mustn't include any people of foreign origin! but multiculturalism is an illusion! eighter the cultures get mixed up to one whatever-cultur or they exist side by side without recogizing the other! in the us or australia, where the native cultures are already allmost gone (unfortunelty), it's something different! but in europe, there are allready precious indigeous cultures, which are worth to be preserved! if native people feel that their word doesn't count anymore in their own land, they take up extreme measures! look at northern ireland, the basque country or wherever! to avoid such situations, the characterists and cultures of all countries in the world must be respected and sheltered! america's trash-mcdonalds-mtv-hollywood-"culture" won't save us from unrest and instabillity! i want to live in a diverse world! a multicultural WORLD not a country! if every country would become multicultural, then every country would actually be the same! why thravel then, except for the landscape? when i travel to a foreign country, i want to see foreign people, hear their language and lern from their culture! and so i want people to do the same when they visit my country! why would an american spend his hollydays in europe, if he finds the same melting pot as in new york? if you have several beautiful colors and mix them all together what you get? dull grey! i'm not xenophobic, in fact i enjoy it very much when foreign people visit my country and show interest in it! it's great to communicate with them!
Originally posted by Vanir
If everyone started discriminating people on the grounds of "my" racial views instead of the current ones, the world would be a better place.

LOL! Discrimination is bad no matter what. Seeing someone
as superior is stupid as well, cause it's just your way of seeing
it, not everybody's. We're all different, so one person can't
dictate what is right, and the superior race would vary from
person to person!

Discrimination is wrong no matter what. You shouldn't discriminate
someone cause you think he/she is stupid. If you give the
person a chance you might see that this person actually
is just like you and me.

I discriminate my customers at work like this. If a customer
says something stupid I think it's a stupid person, but if he/she
afterwards says something nice I might change my mind
and realize that we all have our nasty sides.

This goes for pretty much everyone I meet.....

My point is you shouldn't generalize, it will only win you over
and make you see negative things. Instead try searching
for what makes you happy, and see the beauty in people
(though it's hard), and that way erase the difference between
race etc.
I speak again!

"Whoever fights monsters
should see to it that
in the process he does not
become a monster.
And when you look long into the abyss,
the abyss also looks into you"

Originally posted by corrado
@fleischwolf: completely right.... i hate the import-McDonalds-culture too, but unfortunately the austrian culture is hardly something to put against it :-)
(*3-faches 3hulio mit zack-prost in zeltfest-atmosphäre*)

well, but that's just because of all this "musikantenstadl" shit which is just a crappy commercialisation of austrian folk-music! or can you tell me what the "zillertaler schürzenjäger" have to do with real "volksmusik"? that's just "volksdümmliche musik!" and beside that the only ones who seem to hate this stuff are the natives themselves! look at the "oktoberfest" in munich! tenthousends of tourists are going there every year! granted, not only because of the music, but because of the "authentic" atmosphere! "bierzelt, schunkeln, saufen"! this reminds me of the hawaian natives welcoming tourists with their ukuleles and flowerchains and when they are finnished they go bowling or watch tv! the whole thing is just done for the tourists, so that they see some form of "culture" like they imagined!
there is more to austrian culture then just karl moik and stoakogler trio ("steirermen san very good", what's austrian it that anyway?)! thank's to this volksmusiki is regarded as boring and oldfashioned nowadays! but you have to look beyond this commercial crap, which is shoved down our throats just like mtv and hollywoodfilms! if some people enjoy "musikantenstadl" however, i can live with this! this is no real "thread" to our culture more a ridicilous rip-off!
Thanks to "musikantenstadl" and all the crap like that (Hansi Hinterseer...), I don´t know real traditional austrian folk music... The biggest shit I can imagine is the pseudo-traditional disco music (DJ Ötzi) which is so popular at the moment, every song consisting of the same 3 chords, a chorus which everyone can remind after one time of listening... I think the "real traditional stuff" won´t be that bad, using interesting instruments like flute, harp, hackbrett..., but you can hardly hear something like that. Austria is really poor when it comes to music, especially considering the past (mozart, beethoven..).
@Blackspirit: They too. I know my family quite well, and they're not one tad better than rest of humanity. Humans, in general, all suck. And of the ones of my family that's still alive, there's just my mother and brothers I even speak to. Some of my family members, I refuse to mention by name.
Oki, some questions - it's up to you to provide any answers.....

Exactly what is racism? Disliking/hating/being afraid of smth? Is this connetcted with liking/loving/feeling save with smth? Can only one of these things make you a racist? (Either d/d/b or l/l/f - or one from each group...) If so, which? Can both? If so, together or sepeartely? Both? Is racism the same as discrimination? Is discrimination the same as racism?
Is the "survival instict" that makes you draw back from "potential danger" to protect yourself, discrimination? If so; why? If no; what is the diffenrence? Is this "instict" smth negative or positive? Is it either neagtive or positive? Can it be both?
If the "survival instict" is discrimination, can other animals than humans be racial/discriminating? Why? Why not? If yes, then does that put humans over other animals? Or does it put other animals over humans? In any case; why?

I've heard a lot of ppl say that there are no-one who are completely without any racial views. If some say they are not racila at all, they are very often not believed in - because it "isn't possible", after all. If that is the case, does that make it impossible to become completely free of racial views? If so, what would be the point in trying not to be a racist? Why not just accept it?
Wouldn't not accepting it be like not accepting death? And death is indeed smth yuo cannot change. It will come eventually, no matter what you do; wether you like it or not.

Is it possible to say/do smth racial (not saying anything about how much/often) without that making you a racist? Why? Why not? Is there a line there? If so, where?
And also, can you dislike a ppl/culture/country without that making you a racist? If not, does that mean liking/disliking is the same as saying/thinking that you are the only one who is right?
Further, if you don't like your own ppl/culture/country, does that make you a racist? Why? Why not? If not, then why does disliking someone else's ppl/culture/country make you a racist? (-But then again; does it?)

Umm.... I think that was all my questions for now....
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
1) If the "survival instict" is discrimination, can other animals than humans be racial/discriminating? Why? Why not? If yes, then does that put humans over other animals? Or does it put other animals over humans? In any case; why?

2) I've heard a lot of ppl say that there are no-one who are completely without any racial views. If some say they are not racila at all, they are very often not believed in - because it "isn't possible", after all. If that is the case, does that make it impossible to become completely free of racial views? If so, what would be the point in trying not to be a racist? Why not just accept it?
Wouldn't not accepting it be like not accepting death? And death is indeed smth yuo cannot change. It will come eventually, no matter what you do; wether you like it or not.

I'm just on the outskirts of this discussion, but I wanted to drop by for these 2 questions.

1) Animals do descriminate on occasion, and it may not be really on race. Wolves can outcast other wolves that are "improperly" colored, even if it is the pup of the pack.

2) It wouldn't be like accepting death, because in our attempts to not be racist, we can actually get pretty far. Sure, someone may still have racist thoughts but not act on them. That's how I try to live my life. It doesn't quite work, but I try. However, for death, we can't say "well, we can almost stop it entirely." And even so, we do try to stay it's effects as much as we can.
Nomad. Remember that doc I saw of Yellowstone (right?)
Well. There was an old female there that had been teased and
beaten by her sisters in particular. This went on for a long time,
and one day she was left by the pack!

If I remember correctly she was lucky enough to be 'adopted' by
another pack... (it was either that or they would've killed her)
I remember this because it was weird,.. almost human in a way.

I have racist thought sometimes. Mostly just as jokes :) but some
others as well. I don't think that's a problem as long as this is
something I think of extremely seldom, and I NEVER act upon
anything of this, verbally or physically...
But I don't consider myself a racist compared to the people I think
really are such. I'm much more of a music racist :lol: