NSBM Vs. Other racial thought.

lizard said:
let's put our money where our mouths are...

how far back can you all trace your families?

I'm 1/4 Italian and 1/4 German, the 1/2 left have been claiming independance from French obedience for as long as I remember. Aryanism is a long way though, if you consider that no member of my familiy whatsoever - tracing back to the origins of photography anyway - has fair hair and azure eyes. Guess I'm halfway between low bastard and subhuman then...
lurch70 said:
and this is why the EU will never fully work, beyond open borders and common currency. look what is happening already with this proposed common constitution.

but honestly I would vote against it also ... whose brilliant ideas was anyway to make all European nations as one? All those countries are so individual in nature ... it will never fully work.

On the other hand the idea of Europe as a (multi-)cultural entity doesn't need a legislative framework to prosper. Trans-European collaborations have yielded great results without the "patronizing" of the EU. Supranational rules made up by a bunch of old fucks in Bruxelles makes no sense to me. Like, there's no way some technocrat monkey is gonna dictate the width or the coefficient of fat a slice of salami should have to be "legal" europa-wide... Fuck that!
One Inch Man said:
Hey I understand both sides, they are the same damn thing. Purity of the race, good fucking lord you have got to be kidding. Where do you draw the line? Skin color? Eye color? Last name? IQ? Height? Weight? Curly or straight hair? Shoe size?

You just draw it at racial purity. Doy :p
but Ayeka, take you (please) ha ha

okay, the Celts ruled England. then here come the Angles (hence, Angleland, or England). then the Saxons. then William of Orange gets Heartburn and invades in 1066 (and or course the Normans weren't really French, but descendents of Danes). can an Englishman claim pure anything? and I say that with no malice aforethought, as my most distinguished ancestor was quite clearly a Norman.

here, Harold takes an arrow in the eye for England.
Never mind who was in the western European countries before all these Germanic tribes came along! But we won't even get into that, it'd make all the aryans cry and quite possibly hurt their heads.
lizard said:
but Ayeka, take you (please) ha ha

okay, the Celts ruled England. then here come the Angles (hence, Angleland, or England). then the Saxons. then William of Orange gets Heartburn and invades in 1066 (and or course the Normans weren't really French, but descendents of Danes). can an Englishman claim pure anything? and I say that with no malice aforethought, as my most distinguished ancestor was quite clearly a Norman.

Dude, I am fully aware of our roots in England. You forgot the Picts, Scots and nearly missed the Vikings too. I was just teasing at NAD being a bit daft :loco:

It's funny when you look at all that and then you have dummies who insist that we need more darkies to staff kebab shops because we're not multicultural enough :rolleyes: an Englishman can still claim pure European blood and it suits me fine :)
Ayeka said:
It's funny when you look at all that and then you have dummies who insist that we need more darkies to staff kebab shops because we're not multicultural enough :rolleyes: an Englishman can still claim pure European blood and it suits me fine :)

Huh, funny how you always associate anyone to be "non-white" to be low class laborers. True, some of them revolutionized the local shopping industry -- to hell with your Christian deep rooted laws, we're going to open on Sundays!!! 2 years later, everyone's open on Sunday, and Sainsbury's is 24 hours. :p

The best part about the UK is that race relations are extraordinary -- a testament to the middle-class integrating so well -- and "darkies" as you call them that are BORN AND RAISED in England are the ones going to university, becoming doctors, architects, lawyers, pharmacists, engineers, etc and then joining the British elite to pay the highest taxes and keep the well-oiled machine running.

But if you're talking about immigrants coming in from East Europe today, then yeah, that's a problem. And they don't even speak English. :loco:
Marksveld said:
Too bad no one HERE understands this concept, so they immedietly assume that anyone who brings up the topic of race goes home to a wax Hitler love doll every night.

Like who by the way? I can't believe you're questioning the tolerance of THIS board. Half the time it's like an NS rally in here, and some of us just bite our tongues (or quit the forum altogether).

I think I (of all people) have echoed Erik's statement on several occasions. I'm sure he can vouch for that.
Hey, one thing to add about race purity. For some reason, I get the feeling that some of you think this is a white only thing. Oh no....believe me, integrating with whites is worse on the other side of the fence. When my sister told my mom that she was going to marry a white guy (Germanic), all hell broke loose. :tickled:
I like selectively racist parents, like this cunt I dated in high school who was half white & half Mexican, and her parents wouldn't allow her to date black dudes. :goggly:
I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm not a follower of NS ideals, even though I'm "Aryan" when it comes to heritage, "blood" and all that. Just sayin', as I think I've never said what I feel about NS on this board.
Does anyone else here like racist jokes of all kinds (ones that even make fun of my own race, which is white)? In my sense of humor, nothing is off-limits. My friends tell me I have problems, though, when I admit that I enjoy controversial humor. :ill: