NSBM Vs. Other racial thought.

Dec 27, 2004
I was wondering if people feel the same as I do about this? That NSBM seem to give off a more mature stance on Racial/Racist matters, and as I've said before give off a message that seems to be "More Pride, less Hate"?
"The white warrior of Wotan will once again
Plunge his sword into the age-long enemy's heart

The bastards of the viper Yahweh
will beg for mercy on their knees
We will feed the Earth with their blood"


Loads of NSBM is hateful. It's great.
Like all Nazis, Hitler enjoyed a nice picnic more than anything.


[/lizard's joke]
Ifurin said:
"The white warrior of Wotan will once again
Plunge his sword into the age-long enemy's heart

The bastards of the viper Yahweh
will beg for mercy on their knees
We will feed the Earth with their blood"


Loads of NSBM is hateful. It's great.

Well yes of course, but its not "KILL my pals WITH SHARP STUFF AND STAB JEWS IN THE PENIS KKK4LYFE!!"
What you have discovered is the difference between American "dem duhn dahn my pals be stealin' my pickup" type racism and European "I feel that the integration of other races into the Germanic one is diminishing the value of our native culture and unique racial features" type racism
Erik said:
What you have discovered is the difference between American "dem duhn dahn my pals be stealin' my pickup" type racism and European "I feel that the integration of other races into the Germanic one is diminishing the value of our native culture and unique racial features" type racism

That's pretty much it. Also, it depends what NSBM you're listening to. Most European stuff I own is more pride then hate, but then you've got the good old A National Socialistic Call by Aryan Terrorism on the other side of the fence :headbang:
Ifurin said:
Sophisticated hate for white intellectual elite :cool:
Well said. It's one thing to take pride in who you are and where you come from. However, when those feelings blossom into a belief that we should not inter-marry, etc., then I disagree with them.

Erik said:
What you have discovered is the difference between American "dem duhn dahn my pals be stealin' my pickup" type racism and European "I feel that the integration of other races into the Germanic one is diminishing the value of our native culture and unique racial features" type racism


Too bad no one HERE understands this concept, so they immedietly assume that anyone who brings up the topic of race goes home to a wax Hitler love doll every night.
Hey I understand both sides, they are the same damn thing. Purity of the race, good fucking lord you have got to be kidding. Where do you draw the line? Skin color? Eye color? Last name? IQ? Height? Weight? Curly or straight hair? Shoe size?
lizard said:
let's put our money where our mouths are...

how far back can you all trace your families?

5 generations, WAY more than the average American. The only reason why I can't go farther because is because I haven't done any actual study YET, the information I have is from my family.
lizard said:
let's put our money where our mouths are...

how far back can you all trace your families?

Father's side:

Back to ca. 1500. My father's "father side" consists of German and Norwegian "blood" exclusively. My father's "mother side" consists of German, Norwegian and Scottish "blood".

Mother's side:

Back to ca. 1600. My mother's "father side" consists of German, Norwegian and Swedish "blood". Same goes for my mother's "mother side".
cool. I have a cousin who has actually travelled to England and can read latin and such, we can trace my father's side unbroken back to the 1300s, in particular, to a guy named Robert de Bures, who is buried in Acton All Saints Church.

our name has morphed over the years from de Bures to Bures to Burre to Burr.

mom's side of the family is a mixture of Irish thistle eaters and Germans from near where Snow2Fall is, but we can't go much further back there than the 1840s.

and you're right, Erik, knowing stuff like this won't even buy your lunch :)
European "I feel that the integration of other races into the Germanic one is diminishing the value of our native culture and unique racial features" type racism

and this is why the EU will never fully work, beyond open borders and common currency. look what is happening already with this proposed common constitution.

but honestly I would vote against it also ... whose brilliant ideas was anyway to make all European nations as one? All those countries are so individual in nature ... it will never fully work.