NSBM Vs. Other racial thought.

circus_brimstone said:
Does anyone else here like racist jokes of all kinds (ones that even make fun of my own race, which is white)? In my sense of humor, nothing is off-limits. My friends tell me I have problems, though, when I admit that I enjoy controversial humor. :ill:
Absolutely! If you can't laugh at yourself you shouldn't be.
One Inch Man said:
I like selectively racist parents, like this cunt I dated in high school who was half white & half Mexican, and her parents wouldn't allow her to date black dudes. :goggly:

I wonder if IoftheStorm can comment on this, but I once dated this Greek-Cypriot girl for 2-3 years. I swear, in all that time, her parents didn't know about me at all. We went out together whilst at university so it was easy for her to hide the secret -- of course, I introduced her to my folks no problem, especially since my sister had already broken the ice. :grin:

Anyway, it never worked out, but if her parents ever found out, they would have killed her / booted her out / sent her back to Cyprus. The father could speak a few words of English, but the mother was entirely Greek speaking -- both had lived in England for 35 years or so.

No way in hell was her daughter not going to marry someone of their choosing, who was Greek orthodox, and from a specific region of Cyprus. They have their own mafia thing going on.
You guys are looking at the concept of "race" all too one sidedly. Biology is only one way of looking at the issue. Sadly it is the only way some people are able to understand, but that's because they're all rationalistic twats and will deny the existence of anything that they cannot prove exists by empiricism.
Marksveld said:

Too bad no one HERE understands this concept, so they immedietly assume that anyone who brings up the topic of race goes home to a wax Hitler love doll every night.

I thought lots more people here understood that concept, in comparison to other places.
my point is that national socialists have gotta get with the times as far as marketing :) adopt a snazzy logo! write a catchy jingle!

"ohhhh, we're the white people,
by odin's blood we ride
we need no church or steeple
o'er mud people we stride!

be they yeller brown or black
in buses they sit in teh back!
miscegenators will have to die
from trees we'll hang them high!

soooo, volk, preheat your oven
gather together your forest's coven
the whites will rule the world,
o'er the darkies with hair so curled!
JayKeeley said:
Like who by the way? I can't believe you're questioning the tolerance of THIS board. Half the time it's like an NS rally in here, and some of us just bite our tongues (or quit the forum altogether).
It's not about not being tolerant, it's about some people having a view of "racism" that means "KKK rednecks" or of "national socialism" meaning [insert picture of that beaten white trash skinhead type guy with a moustache and a swastika tattoo]
"yo peeps what up, dog."
Erik said:
It's not about not being tolerant, it's about some people having a view of "racism" that means "KKK rednecks" or of "national socialism" meaning [insert picture of that beaten white trash skinhead type guy with a moustache and a swastika tattoo]

Yeah, but you have to admit, this board is generally pretty fucken tolerant. Marskveld said something along the lines of "shame NO ONE here gets it", bah. Bah I say.
Why do people put an E in the slang version of fucking? God dammit, it should be FUCKIN!!! This is the kind of shit that makes me want to kill darkies! :loco:
General Zod said:
Well said. It's one thing to take pride in who you are and where you come from. However, when those feelings blossom into a belief that we should not inter-marry, etc., then I disagree with them.


That's not what I said at all but ok. I don't mind music that's passionately racist, because that passion usually translates through to the music. I could get into music that was passionate about any ideology really, I mean I don't agree with satanists or racists and yet most of the metal I like falls into those ideologies.