It's not that important to make a distinction since the ideal situation would be that they all live separately from the heterosexuals. They can sort out their own differences.
Your ideal situation, anyways.
It's not that important to make a distinction since the ideal situation would be that they all live separately from the heterosexuals. They can sort out their own differences.
That's not the point. You say there are two kinds of gays. I don't know how you came to this learned conclusion.
Almost all my friends actually speak like that.
you motherfucker!Almost all my friends actually speak like that.
It's not a learned conclusion. It's a stereotype. There seem to be effeminate "gays" and ultra masculine "gays" and they play up to those stereotypic roles in their culture. It's what being camp is all about isn't it? So it's no wonder if it looks like that then. Someone (not on this forum) tried to defend "gays" by saying the real ones keep out of the "gay" culture. Not my view. Sorry I can't enlighten you more. The point was just to explain the issue of the twins - nothing more than some idle speculation.
identical twins brought up together often make a decision to forge a different path to their clone. They wish to assert some individuality. Therefore the "gay" twin may have chosen his orientation or perhaps the heterosexual one is suppressing his homosexuality.
i understand that many completely gay people have a problem with bi-sexual people, but this is something that needs to be discussed in a completely seperate thread, and maybe such a thread should appear in a different forumI can think of a possible answer. Many "gay" men choose the lifestyle and are not biologically "gay" but really just perverted and often bi-sexual. These, so I have heard argued, (but am cynical about) are a bad stereotype of what "gays" are like and give homosexual men a negative image that "real gays" find disturbing. Hmmm.
See, I believe that there are cases either way. I believe that some people are just naturally attracted to members of the same sex; so biologically homosexual. But I also believe that some people become gay because of their environment, whether that means an unusual (abusive, neglect, etc.) childhood or rejection by members of the opposite sex. Personally, I see no natural advantage to homosexuality, so I personally don't believe in it; but I completely agree with people's right to homosexual activity. It just doesn't offend me.
But I don't believe that homosexuality is hereditary; because homosexuals can't reproduce,I do believe that homosexual behavior in one's surroundings can influence homosexual behavior.
Also ironic is the fact that homophobia is strongest in individuals who are either extremely religious*, uneducated*, or who fear that they may be gay themselves.
* not related, but religiousness and education show a strong inverse correlation, ie. more religious people are on average less educated than their less / non-religious counterparts.
You're right, I should have put that thought into two separate sentences.I can see why you think it's ironic that homophobes are people who think they may be gay themselves and to be honest I think it's a bit obvious but how is it ironic that homophobes are often very religious and uneducated?
It's what you'd expect and doesn't involve hypocracy.
Statistics aren't about every case, nor are they designed to accurately describe and predict every possible situation. They simply represent the pattern observed by calculating the average of multiple cases.You are saying that the places where there are a lot of hard line fundamentalists or literalists or whatever are places with poor education; well not in every case.
dolphins practice homosexuality as a way to bring peace to their community, ya know, as opposed to being little bitches and blowing eachother's heads off.
Question for... I guess... some gay person...
You know the stereotypical gay voice? Almost all my friends actually speak like that. Do you learn that or something? If so, why? Do you feel socially obligated to do so for quick sexual identification? I don't think it comes naturally to gays.