New theory on evolution of homosexuality in men

You have stated many times it is a flaw without offering reason why. What use is it to speak such for purpose of debate if one cannot stipulate the reasons?

Would not have thought I would need to stipulate reasons on this one. It has to do with natural selection for reproduction and the physical factors that lead to the attraction between sex's. I did a small search today but did not come up with what I was looking for. I found more articals about how to attract the opposite sex in todays society. Some came close to explaining the phytsical characteristics of the two sexs that promote the primitive attraction stimulus but to breifly for what I was looking for. They were articals by college students in study as well as references to Darwinism but as I said only close and then moved on to modern day stuff like success, wealth, personality and such. They also covered the competition factors for sexual reproduction. I have been linked to the proper articals as well as have seen programs that explain primitve sexual stimulus but sorry I just cant meet the spec's and regulations of you people... by proving it.

In regards to a few things in Seditious post. I was one chasing young girls in elementary school long before I knew why. I simply liked the way they looked, this is common and I believe for the reasons... I cant seem to locate... lol and roll eyes. I am also one to get a strange urge to wrap my arms around every beautiful woman (in my mind, Im not a "dog") and to firmly shake a mans hand and look him in the eye.

On subject of things like stimulus of certain or any body parts. It should be natural to want to be touched and return such... apparently excluding Asexuals... I wont get into my nightmare experience with this, but after 20 years of torture I truely believe that is a flaw as well. The body is touch sensitive regardless the area, this doesnt mean someone wants to marry or spend their life in bed with the same sex, or want to be touched, hugged and kissed by the same sex... wow... that gave me the creeps.

Im not really aware of guys favoring "butch" women, maybe shying away from the highly competitive field and high maintence Barbie types but when you say butch I only think of the extreme not the plain Janes that might be a bit ruff and tuff on the surface.

The attraction to larger women I do not have but know many guys that like "some bounce" as they say. More power to them, less competition for the slender... lol.

In regards to the artical of this topic... if its relevent is up to the more "intellegent" crowd, but its a well know fact that in animals fertility is effected by population, so to my petty mind there seems to be a correlation to this subject.

Could this represent something of a natural hardwired failsafe against inbreeding, or promotion of genetic diversification, where the higher rate of homosexual males acts like a very effective, walking, contraceptive device?

Meaning, perhaps it's an almost irrelevant hangover, (irrelevant in terms of it's possible purpose) from our evolutionary past where fecundity of a particular lineage is too high for a smaller population & smaller community to support any one or two lineages dominating the gene pool, so the failsafe kicks in to ensure not all offspring from those lineages can reproduce.

Feel free to point & laugh if I've just made an idiot of myself.. I will!! :kickass:
Well ?... Homosexuals have reproduced they are perfectly capable of being stimulated. My understanding is "it just doesnt feel right". So Id have to say its not a ancient internal contraceptive device. Incest along the course of our evolution would be an interesting subject... we have in the past been at least closely "linebred" thus creating the various "breeds" of humans.
Could this represent something of a natural hardwired failsafe against inbreeding, or promotion of genetic diversification, where the higher rate of homosexual males acts like a very effective, walking, contraceptive device?

I for one can't imagine a mechanism for achieving that, or conditions which would demand that. furthermore, as recent as the royalty of Hawaii inbreeding has been a problem to our species, which seems to falsify the notion of such a mechanism kicking in in order to force them to look elsewhere for mates.
what about lesbianism??
anyone have any good theories to explain why some pussy-eating women won't ever touch a dick to save their lives?
Homosexuality is a mental and spiritual sickness that goes back to ancient times. I've heard all the bullshit arguments that say homosexuals are evolving into super-humans etc. God create two genders and the Democrats created the rest. This gay circus gets more insane every year, to the point where now we have gone from transgender o trans-species.

Its all made up crap. This can be scientifically proven. I'm not gay nor can I ever become gay. Gay people ask "How do you know you're not gay?" That is a stupid and offensive question to ask. I've never been attracted to the same sex nor is it possible for me to ever be attracted to the same sex. I am a male. I know I'm a male because I have all male parts since birth. I most definitely don't need people asking if me what sex I want to be when the choice was made at birth.
Could I have turned out gay? Absolutely! Anyone can become gay if they are enticed by homosexual influences at a young age. Even now there are public school teachers recruiting more gays through political tactics. Those of us who grew up in Christian homes and/or raised with Christian values don't see to have a hard time resisting the sensation of homosexuality. But those who tend to rebel against God tend to become gay because detachment from God leads to depravity (Rom.1:18-32).

So over the years I have know many gay people on a personal level. One gay guy I got along with well. Too bad he died of a drug overdose in his 40s. But the gay lifestyle is an addictive lifestyle just as my friend openly confessed to his friends. He knew he was baited and enticed when he was young, dumb and overly impressionable. He knew he made a choice and not a good one for all that. But he had lived the gay lifestyle for so many years he could not ever break away from it.
I've known many gay people on a personal level. Its when you know them well that you then realize its all a scam. Nobody is born gay or is destine to be gay. Here's how you scientifically prove it: Find out if they ever found the opposite sex attractive or had sex with the opposite sex. Again, I'm not gay and its impossible for me to have sex with another man, or even find another man attractive in the same manner a woman finds a man attractive. Therefore, the same applies to gays---and to prove homosexuality is a made up ideology and not of their natural design, all you need to do is find out if they ever had sex with the opposite sex. I found that 100% of all the gays I've know all had sex multiple times with the opposite sex before becoming gay.
I knew one woman who used to post on Facebook how she was raped by a man which is how she had her son. Sound like a typical lesbian sob story you might have heard a billion times already? Well it is. I knew this woman well...well enough to know that her child came from her marriage in which her and her then husband had plenty of sex. She also cheated on her husband with many guys I know. All this is well confirmed about her. Yet, if you didn't know her personally, and read her sob story on FB, you would have immediately want to vote Democrat so we can turn more children gay and abuse their lives with this evil sickness that tend to shorten a person's lifespan to just 50 years or less.

I have witness this phony world of homosexuality. Instead of encouraging people to live apart from their designated nature, living against the grain of nature, people should be trying to help them out of this nasty addiction that destroys so many lives and infringes on the civil rights of others who know better!!

The problem begins with lack of faith in God. A lack of faith in God can lead to insanity which we see everywhere among liberals today. The solution is repentance---repentance to God as individuals praying to God, and repentance as a nation. And while most of you will be quick to attack me for speaking the truth, I honestly don't give a damn. What is true will always be true; here, now, and forever. We live in a time when people hate truth and want to live in an alternative universe, apart from true reality. The greatest rebels of today are those who accept all things true and don't get tattoos. Everyone else is a intellectually dishonest poser.
What about all those gay Christians, especially priests, who are gay but didn't turn away from the teachings?

Honestly your worldview is mostly dogshit and solely backed up by biblical reasoning, but there are plenty of gay Christians and probably many more in the closet because cunts like you exist.
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

your post was horribly bigoted and Christian-slanted
without "God" telling you that "homosexuality is wrong" the intense kind of homophobia in your post doesn't really have a leg to stand on

if 2 men [or 2 women] decide to engage in homosexual sex, how exactly does that affect straight people??
i can understand the ideas of forceful rape and the sexual molestation of pre-sex-drive children being intrinsically wrong, but homosexuality is merely contextually wrong, and only contextually wrong in the context of a homophobic society that really only exists in the Abrahamic religious societies

in fact, there are many Wicca groups where homosexuals are actually considered kinda better than straight people because homosexual sex doesn't result in accidental unwanted pregnancy
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

your post was horribly bigoted and Christian-slanted
without "God" telling you that "homosexuality is wrong" the intense kind of homophobia in your post doesn't really have a leg to stand on

if 2 men [or 2 women] decide to engage in homosexual sex, how exactly does that affect straight people??
i can understand the ideas of forceful rape and the sexual molestation of pre-sex-drive children being intrinsically wrong, but homosexuality is merely contextually wrong, and only contextually wrong in the context of a homophobic society that really only exists in the Abrahamic religious societies

in fact, there are many Wicca groups where homosexuals are actually considered kinda better than straight people because homosexual sex doesn't result in accidental unwanted pregnancy

Well you can cling to the diabolical Wicca beliefs that homosexuals are better than straights...but you are worshiping fiction. As I said before, I've actually known many gays and they all suffered with drug and alcohol addictions and they all had sex with the opposite sex---which, by the way, scientifically proves they are not gay by nature, but rather by the enticement of hollow philosophy and drug abuse. You can call me this and that and its makes no difference. Homosexuality is an occult philosophy and has been since ancient times.
Well you can cling to the diabolical Wicca beliefs that homosexuals are better than straights...but you are worshiping fiction. As I said before, I've actually known many gays and they all suffered with drug and alcohol addictions and they all had sex with the opposite sex---which, by the way, scientifically proves they are not gay by nature, but rather by the enticement of hollow philosophy and drug abuse. You can call me this and that and its makes no difference. Homosexuality is an occult philosophy and has been since ancient times.
"diabolical Wicca" lol

are you seriously saying the Christian bible isn't fiction? lol

you seem to be saying that straight people getting intoxicated makes gay sex happen, yeah, that's not how that works, you're a a dumb-ass

"homosexuality is an occult philosophy" what the effing hell are you smoking? even if you're account is just you being a troll, that phrase just sounds stupid as hell

you seem to be an alt of that old Razor Edge account, tbh
"diabolical Wicca" lol

are you seriously saying the Christian bible isn't fiction? lol

you seem to be saying that straight people getting intoxicated makes gay sex happen, yeah, that's not how that works, you're a a dumb-ass

"homosexuality is an occult philosophy" what the effing hell are you smoking? even if you're account is just you being a troll, that phrase just sounds stupid as hell

you seem to be an alt of that old Razor Edge account, tbh

Full of doubt, lots of excuses, but no experience. As I said before: I've know many homosexuals on a personal level and those I knew all suffered from drug and alcohol addictions as well as mental health issues.
let me respond to this one piece at a time

Full of doubt, i have no "doubt" i absolutely positively know that the Christian Bible is mostly [if not just completely] bullshit lots of excuses, what "excuses" did i make, exactly, trying to give a non-homophobic explanation of gay people? but no experience. you mean i lack experience hanging out with gay people?? i hangout with gay people all the freaking time As I said before: I've know many homosexuals on a personal level and those I knew all suffered from drug and alcohol addictions as well as mental health issues pre-existing "mental health issues" can create alcohol and drug addictions, it happens so fucking frequently there's actually a word for it, it's called "self-medicating" but there's absolutely no fucking way in hell any mental health issues or addictions can cause homosexuality that's really just nothing more than homophobia justification, i know lots of people with mental health issues and people with drug/alcohol addictions that are totally completely straight, and i know gay people that are sane and without any addictions and being gay isn't classified as a mental disorder anymore, and there are actually young psychologists/psychiatrists that are trying to get homophobia labeled as a mental disorder, because if someone else chooses to be gay, how does that affect the straight people? it really truly doesn't .
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"gay sex" isn't just a one-gender imitation of straight sex, [cuz that would be borderline rape]

gay sex is all about the males that enjoy touching penises and the women that like the taste of licking another woman's pussy

or at least it should be,
gay sex outside of a gender-segregated environment is [usually] a completely different type of thing than single-gender "prison-sex"
"gay sex" isn't just a one-gender imitation of straight sex, [cuz that would be borderline rape]

gay sex is all about the males that enjoy touching penises and the women that like the taste of licking another woman's pussy

or at least it should be,
gay sex outside of a gender-segregated environment is [usually] a completely different type of thing than single-gender "prison-sex"
In your fascist little world anyone who disagrees with you has a disease called homophobia. Look, there are only two sexes. That is a fact. You cannot breed without normal, natural sex. You cannot raise a family with two mentally stable parents. Homosexuals raising children is child abuse and you support that. There is nothing normal or natural about homosexuality. Again, perhaps you should get to know them on a personal level instead of listening to all the liberal propaganda. You know I speak the truth but will continue to force yourself to think slower and comprehend less.
In your fascist world, anybody who strays from the binary is doing so because a) godlessness, b) drugs and alcohol or c) malevolent political agenda.

You're the #1 fascist in here.
In your fascist little world anyone who disagrees with you has a disease called homophobia. Look, there are only two sexes. That is a fact. You cannot breed without normal, natural sex. You cannot raise a family with two mentally stable parents. Homosexuals raising children is child abuse and you support that. There is nothing normal or natural about homosexuality. Again, perhaps you should get to know them on a personal level instead of listening to all the liberal propaganda. You know I speak the truth but will continue to force yourself to think slower and comprehend less.
someone called me a fascist
that was weird and hilarious at the same time
bible-thump-er ignoring the existence of hermaphrodites and gender-dysphoria, that's horribly bigoted
what about heterosexual 69? what about hetero people that love performing oral on the opposite gender, what about hetero people that have decided "i don't want to be a parent"??
gay people as a group are mentally unstable?? straight people can be mentally unstable too
homosexuals have raised children that are now totally sane hetero adults, the children who have been raised by homosexuals aren't any worse than those kids raised by straight people
there's nothing natural about homophobia, without "god" saying "gay is wrong" homophobia doesn't really have a leg to stand on
i know gay people on a personal level, random gay people aren't the drug-addicted-crazy-alcoholics you portray them to be
liberal propaganda making people "think slower and comprehend less" that phrase really just sounds like conservative propaganda