Biomechanical main support for Stampin Ground UK tour!!

Man I'm gutted I missed that!

The person I was going with has come down with Glandular Fever and I'm a bit skint so I decided to give it a miss... Regretting it now...
What a f***king excellent night at The Garage :kickass:

The boys really kicked ass tonight,from the stage diving :grin: , hearing DNA and Survival :rock:, the fantastic crowd :kickass:

Hopefully I'll get some pictures soon to put on the forum.
Also I would just like to say hi to all the people I met last night :rock:
Lee_B said:
Agreed! Maybe the best I've ever seen them play! Everything was right on the button and you could tell they were really enjoying themselves. Wicked night!


Here is the set list for last night @ The Garage

Enemy Within
The Empires of the Worlds
DNA Matastasis
Raining Blood
How long would a headlining show be? I would love to hear Painkiller Biomechanical style and Raining Blood would be interesting to say the least. Ofcourse I want to hear their own stuff first and foremost...
Metal-R-US said:
How long would a headlining show be? I would love to hear Painkiller Biomechanical style and Raining Blood would be interesting to say the least. Ofcourse I want to hear their own stuff first and foremost...

I would say their set would be around an hour or more. I think they will definitely play one of the covers :)
Went to Bristol last night. Another great set, and a good sound out the front too.

There wasn't much action from the crowd, though the band were warmly recieved between songs with a big cheer.

Oh, and I did the lights :). I did my best to give everyone an epileptic fit according to Julie (my light mixing wasn't too subtle, I have to say... I was trying to hit the buttons in time to Matt's drums. hehe).

Julie has pictures from three of the shows and we'll be getting them online soon.

Lee_B said:
Oh, and I did the lights :). I did my best to give everyone an epileptic fit according to Julie (my light mixing wasn't too subtle, I have to say... I was trying to hit the buttons in time to Matt's drums. hehe).Lee

:hypno: :)
Yeah John ended up doing the lighting for Stampin Ground!

Lee_B said:
Julie has pictures from three of the shows and we'll be getting them online soon.


I heard you guys hung out with my fiancée-to-be and her friends in Bristol ? I wish I had been there (I like to hang out with her.... yeah), but £220 pounds for a plane ticket was way too much for my oh so slim wallet /\éè/\...

Well... I hope I'll catch you and hang out when you come to FRAYUNCE (which may be a problem, considering the assholish bouncers that grow in French venues like mushrooms). BEER ! /\>o/\
Michel said:
Well... I hope I'll catch you and hang out when you come to FRAYUNCE (which may be a problem, considering the assholish bouncers that grow in French venues like mushrooms). BEER ! /\>o/\

I'm sure you'll get to meet the boys when they get to gig in France :)