Bitches on my dick


pinball extraordinaire
Oct 31, 2003
Fuck you all. I love booze and bitches on my dick, so fuck y'all and your pussies and your faggety internet. fuck you bitches!@!!! Big ups to Gordon's and my bitch Seagrams. Fuck you everyone else, you can fuck me, any way uyou liek...........................
I wrote this rap song when I was drunk last week.

witness my nuts while I'm fuckin deez fat sluts
breakin em off, leavin fat loads in they fat butts.
i fuckin look to da booze, then i fuck mad bitches,
i drick mad booze then i leave em in stiches
the bitches try to fight back back
and i understand why they attack
but i cum in their face
even when they spray the mace
they lay on the fuckin ground
and i spit on dat mound

fuck you, bitch.
i love fat bitches.

fat girls try harder................

i'm drunk so fuck everything i say, and fuck you.