BLA modded 2626

ok but it depends in where you place your bench mark,
RME are not the the absolute dogs bollox in the greater scheme of things either, But if we are talking about metal production that may not make so much of a difference,
High end stuff becomes a little more evident with acoustic instruments and solo vocals rather than metal distortion.

Im not looking to start a shit fight here but im just airing concern as to whether doing such a mod will be all that worthwhile on that particular interface, and if what you say is the general consensus rather than people just defending their purchase choice then the mod may be even less necessary.

But when all is said and done its the OP's money to spend where he chooses.
^ its probably for the same reason the BLA 002 mods were so popular. Not the greatest interface by any means but for a modest cost you could get something that was actually much better than what you could purchase in the next tier of interfaces ...

at least to some. In the long run he may be saving money and getting a superior product so its actually a pretty good investment
Bla have told me 510 dollars including shipping which when modded and combined with there microclock with out spec the rme fireface 800 and cost half the price :)

And in regards to your comment about midi I think I might since for some reason the audio seems muddier played back through those
ill be keeping an eye on this dude, let me know when you get the unit back :) id like to see how much it makes a difference
i should really get my 002 modded rather than trying to sell it and fork out alot more money for a better unit!

I had my 002 modded by them and they do good work. I have since sold my 002 but i still give them a big thumbs up! Also my firewire card went bad and they fixed for 70.00 and digidesign repair cost me 250.00 the first time it went bad. Plus the card fried again. Funny it never went bad after Bla fixed it and i used for a year solid every day. Got to love that for great cheap service.
Hmm interesting.
Looks like I'll do this to mine when I have the spare dosh.
And getting it all for around the same price as I would have paid for a new stock 2626 in Australia, hell yeah.
If I were you I'd use the projectmix as just a control surface through MIDI. Don't use the pres or outputs or firewire connection.

tried, cannot fathom how to get the control surface to work :/ my 2626 is my interface and ive got midi cables connected to the 2626 from the pjm
oh no it doesnt work like that dude ive tried it, apparantly the p-mix has to be connected via FW or it wont work
Yeah I do a little green light flashes indicating that it's receiving something but it won't move or do anything. And I've set it up how everyone had said
Just wondering whats the reason for you getting an M-Audio interface modded rather than just buying something better?

Maybe for similar reason why lolzgreg custom modded his Peavey Windsor

Windsor: $250
Upgraded Mercury Magnetics Transformers+Choke= $700
New Platinum Matched Tubes: $150
One-Off Friedman Windsor Mod: $500
New Headshell: $360
(shipping is included in all of this, by the way).

$1960 dollars overall.

And before you go out and ask me "why didn't you just buy a Marshall and call it a day?"

a. This sounds better than any Marshall I've played.
b. I am the only owner of this amp in the entire world, and it will bring me reamping business.
c. I don't always follow the crowd, as you've noticed by now.

...and I think he sold it like 6 months later :lol: