Black/death metal clip


Nov 3, 2007
I'm completely new to this forum so bear with me. I've just purchased a Boss br-1600 digital recording studio and recorded this clip using the effects from a Digitech rpx400 multi-effects processor. The drums were programmed using PCdummer. I know the mix is a bit off but any tips would be great and very helpful for me. The clip is about 50 seconds and is pretty rough.

entitled "plague br1600"

the other songs were recorded using the computer but don't mind them

I primarily want feedback on the plague br1600 track... Thanks!
What a difference in quality between that clip and the others. I think it sounds quite good.
It's the Boss br-1600 that makes it sound so much better?
You used the cab sims in the Digitech rpx400 for this?

Most people here will tell you that the drums need dynamics to them and not to have them play at constant, full on velocity levels.
So that's something to consider. I personally don't mind it so much as it adds to the brutality of the music and am starting to consider it a style of it's own. Dynamics would make it sound more realistic of course which is usually the better way to go for most people.
Cool songs. Want vocals. Good job. Welcome.
Thanks for the feedback Radd

Yeah I think the br-1600 is making my recordings sound a lot fuller. The old clips recorded using my computer sound pretty one dimensional in comparison. For the RPX400 I actually used a user patch so I'm not sure of the settings but when I record, I record 5 guitars. One I pan 75 left, the other 75 right, one 100 left (hard-left) and the other hard right, and finally one in the center. But yeah, really agree with you on my drums. Hopefully I will upgrade to DFH which everyone seems to be using and make the recording sound more alive. Thanks again for the response.