Black Friday Deals

FYI - Here's the IK Multimedia deals.

Miroslav Philharmonik - The complete collection
Orchestra and choir workstation
Regular Price: $149.99 / €119.99
Yours for: $49.99 / €39.99

AmpliTube Jimi Hendrix
Officially licensed collection of Jimi Hendrix
Use as a standalone app complete with a 4-track recorder and speed control or as a tone powerhouse plug-in for your favorite DAW
Regular Price: $99.99 / €79.99
Yours for: $49.99 / €39.99

T-RackS Black 76 - Limiting Amplifier
A legendary compressor you can use literally for everything
Like Drums, drum sub-mixes, vocals, bass, guitars, piano, choirs, brass, strings and more
Regular Price: $79.99 /EUR 64.99
Yours for: $39.99 / EUR 34.99
Having a drum sample sale on my website, 50% off all individual samples on Friday.
