Black Metal and Bush

That was rather stupid. An interesting look, yes, but the author obviously has no knowledge of what black metal is. He's just making assumptions based on what little info. he could derive from Lords of Chaos.
I thought it was refreshing reading what another person removed from the black metal scene thinks about black metal.
so i guess there really wasnt anything to understand in that article? was i the only one that just sorta sat there thinking "what?"
I just don't think it's a very good review - he spends most of his time writing about the scene - and fans - itself (in a superior and mocking tone I might add) rather than actually saying what the book's like.
The reason I liked this article, is that to the rest of the world, Black metal, and metal in general is conceived by the rest of the world, as nothing more than youthful male angst. It has no value to them, they never will admit they like the music, they never will listen to the music because of this image. So, we have a real problem, the world sees metal in a rather petentious haughty way, just as we metal fans look down on their world of pop music and greed, conformity etc.
Ageless said:
Its fuckin huge. I dont want to have to scroll down loads just because of that picture in your sig, at least make it smaller.
I explicitly told you NOT to question its power...

Be careful next time you get a glass of water...heh, heh, heh, heh...