Ironically, for those talking about Christian black metal, I happened to notice that an interview has come up on the main UM page with a band from Norway that claims they're just that. I don't know anything about their music or anything, and I know not everyone will agree with what they say, but I at least thought the interviewee speaks well and makes interesting points.

Now once you guys get done with your newly assigned reading, the floor will be open to comments. ;)
Yngvai X said:
There is no such thing as a non anti-christian black metal band. Thats part of the ideology. There are however some bands that borrow some of the musical aspects of black metal. I mentioned one of them: Borknagar.

you answered one of my questions earlier about black metal bands having satanic messages and you said not all do. And you just answered my 2nd question by saying there aren't any non anti-christian black metal bands. I'm really confused here. Are you saying that the 2nd is true, but that some of those black metal don't talk trash about christianity? Or am I just way off here?
Rose Immortal said:
Ironically, for those talking about Christian black metal, I happened to notice that an interview has come up on the main UM page with a band from Norway that claims they're just that. I don't know anything about their music or anything, and I know not everyone will agree with what they say, but I at least thought the interviewee speaks well and makes interesting points.

Now once you guys get done with your newly assigned reading, the floor will be open to comments. ;)
who would that be?
I really have no idea when. My "to-buy" list of CDs is so long at this point it's crazy...and it's not like I make a ton of money... ;)
Rose Immortal said:
I really have no idea when. My "to-buy" list of CDs is so long at this point it's crazy...and it's not like I make a ton of money... ;)

just go to prog they have arcturus clips over there.....or go to amazon or cduniverse
Extol are christian, and very good btw... there's also Enslaved and Vintersorg who are extremely talented. I suppose Emperor and Arcturus have been already mentioned so I dont have to add those.
I've heard of Extol before...and I had to admit, the comment about them in the Crimson Moonlight interview was pretty funny. ;)

Wayne--there IS some money coming along at the moment, but I think you will be able to understand why Live at the Edge of Forever is currently at the head of the list! :lol:
Rose Immortal said:
I've heard of Extol before...and I had to admit, the comment about them in the Crimson Moonlight interview was pretty funny. ;)

Wayne--there IS some money coming along at the moment, but I think you will be able to understand why Live at the Edge of Forever is currently at the head of the list! :lol:

no no no you dont have to buy anything......just go to find the band arcturus and download the free mp3's!!!! Jeez do I have to spell it out for you?!!!