bball_1523 said:
you answered one of my questions earlier about black metal bands having satanic messages and you said not all do. And you just answered my 2nd question by saying there aren't any non anti-christian black metal bands. I'm really confused here. Are you saying that the 2nd is true, but that some of those black metal don't talk trash about christianity? Or am I just way off here?

What he meant was not all- in fact, most don't- black metal bands have anything "Satanic" about them (and be careful using that word, the meanings are damn near countless). That doesn't mean it can't be in opposition to Christianity. Varg Vikernes is an Asatruar, and he's often regarded as one of the figureheads of the early "true" black metal movement.
Valgeir said:
What he meant was not all- in fact, most don't- black metal bands have anything "Satanic" about them (and be careful using that word, the meanings are damn near countless). That doesn't mean it can't be in opposition to Christianity. Varg Vikernes is an Asatruar, and he's often regarded as one of the figureheads of the early "true" black metal movement.

I think I said this earlier, but what I have a problem with is how some black metal bands have lyrical content that flat out trashes christianity. That's what I'm trying to find out here. I'm really interested in black metal right now because I like some bands' melodies and musical cotent, and I'm trying to find decent bands with lyrical content that doesn't hate on christianity. I can care less what their beliefs are, but it's their lyrical and musical content that I have a problem with.
bball--You may want to try some samples of Crimson Moonlight. I dunno what they sound like, but they referred to themselves as Christian black metal in their interview here on UM. Unfortunately I don't know anything else to tell you, but I'd bet others have suggestions for you that will probably be even more useful.
Rose Immortal said:
bball--You may want to try some samples of Crimson Moonlight. I dunno what they sound like, but they referred to themselves as Christian black metal in their interview here on UM. Unfortunately I don't know anything else to tell you, but I'd bet others have suggestions for you that will probably be even more useful.

I'll definitely check them out sometime. One thing is that I don't care if the black metal bands aren't christians, I just have a problem with lyrical content and musical agendas
Yahh, I know how you feel, and I feel similarly. I just figured that since they're avowed Christians, their lyrics are not likely to offend you.
anyways back on topic: another restaraunt I like to eat at is subway, their meatball subs are awesome.

the only bad part about subway is that you cant eat their subs and play video games at the same time like you can with Jack in The Box
Metropolis Part 2 said:
what interests me is Octavarium, just 19 days to left to go guys :)

I expect a full review and description from you when it hits the shelves! By the time it gets here, my "CD-spending allowance" will be tapped out...AGAIN. ;)