Black metal. I need some more

Peste Noire
Lunar Aurora
Deathspell Omega
Blut aus Nord
Negură Bunget
The Ruins of Beverast
I second:

Peste Noire
Negură Bunget

... and add:

Leviathan (Swe)
Angmar (Fra)
Anorexia Nervosa
Katharsis- VVorld VVithout End
Dolorian- When All The Laughter Has Gone/Voidwards
Order From Chaos- Stillbirth Machine
Faustcoven- The Halo Of Burning Wings
Hail- Inheritance of Evil
Urfaust- Geist Ist Teufel/Verräterischer, Nichtswürdiger Geist
Nocternity- Anything, Onyx in particular
Antaeus- Blood Libels/Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan
Darkspace- Anything
Morbosidad- Profana la Cruz del Nazareno
Niden Div. 187- Impergium/Towards Judgment
Tsatthoggua- Hosanna Bizarre
Apokalyptic Raids- Impergium/Towards Judgement
Heimdalls Wacht- Ut de graute olle Tied - Deel I
Animus Mortis- Atrabilis

Quite a bit of pure black with the occasional black/thrash/death album thrown in for good measure.