Black metal in the news again in Norway......

Necrophilia has never been this fun before. No seriously, I think it's fucked up to show a dead person's head around as a trofé, what's the fucking point? Sure if the person had raped his little sister or whatever but to dig up a person he didn't know before and cut the head off is fucking wrong...
spaffe said:
bah that's not tr00, black metalers don't deal with flesh and blood, that's for death metalers, had should have boiled the head and just brought the skull :D
You're saying there's anything wrong with being death metal? :Shedevil:
at first i thought he actualy killed someone and took their head.... that would have been a little more interesting.... and i also thought they killed head (fagety korn guy)... then i read on....
fun story though
Yeah...well, its sad that there always has to be one idiot that drags the whole Metal community down in the dirt...

Varg is another good example of this.
Well...Blasphemer of Mayhem has said that he thinks that people should be allowed to have their small daily rites, and that he doesnt want to exclude Illvastar because of this...

Though Illvastar was kicked out of Svartahrid because of his drug abuse and excluded from most of the Black Metal scene because of this...

You can read the interview with Blasphemer here:

In Norwegian though.