Holy Fuck! Black metal!


Watch out for BLÖTT!
Jun 15, 2002
Brussels / Belgium
In relation with a thread posted by charlotte a few weeks ago, here is a brand new story brought to us by blabbermouth.net:

Norwegian Black Metal Musician Decapitates Dead Body, Brings Head To Party - June 19, 2003
The following article was published Wednesday (June 18) by the Norwegian Internet newspaper Nettavisen.no:

After beheading a dead body, a 26-year-old black metal musician (Photo#1, Photo#2) proudly showed off the head at a party. "It was a complete shock," says black metal vocalist Istar.

According to VG, the 26-year-old showed the head to people at a party in Skien, Norway, on Saturday night (June 14).

A witness said, "He showed the head to one of the guests who felt sick and told the 26-year-old to get away from there."

A 30-year-old friend of the 26-year-old said she is in shock after what happened, saying, "I can not understand that he has been taking part in this, he is such a kind person."

The 30-year-old confirms that she knew her friend was in a band, but says she had no idea that he was involved in Satanism.

The man who has admitted to cutting the head off the dead body is a black metal musician and has released a number of albums [through the Austrian record label Napalm Records].

The 26-year-old hid the head at a friend's place. The friend was arrested but later released, as he was unaware of what had happened.

According to [Norwegian daily newspaper] Dagbladet, the 26-year-old man [who went by the stage name Illvastar—Ed.] was a bass player in the band SVARTAHRID (more info) until being thrown out three years ago. The singer of the band, Istar, said: "It is a shock to learn that he was taking part in desecrating bodies. Our band has never been involved in Satanism. What he has been up to after leaving the band, I do not know."

TV 2 Nettavisen has reason to believe that the four men were influenced by drugs when breaking into the morgue (check out pictures from Dagbladet here) and mutilating four corpses.

The 26-year-old's lawyer said, "My client admits to being guilty as charged. He has explained that he was under the influence of drugs."

According to sources in the local community, a group of locals is known for using amphetamine and having connections to a group of Satanists.

According to the 26-year-old's female friend, the whole thing started as another friend of the 26-year-old phoned from the morgue.

"He called on Friday night, saying he was at the morgue in Skien. Then my friend disappeared down town along with some other friends," she said.

The churchwarden, Gjertrud Eide, said on Tuesday that she was shocked by what has happened. "It is difficult to describe this with words, it is just so brutal and horrifying."

(Thanks: Nettavisen)

Have fun, metalheads would still be considerate as sick & twisted cannibals... :ill::yell: