black metal + red wine


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Am I the only one who loves this combination? It just flat out fucking works, almost as well as shitty beer + thrash metal. Granted, stuff like Darkthrone is always great with some form of alcohol, but I've noticed listening to the real introspective and/or blasphemous stuff through headphones with a glass or two of cabernet savignon sitting in the dark really opens up the greatness of some of this stuff.


odds are by the third post there will be at least 2 "wine is gay" comments
I don't know, I generally drink wine with folks, mostly girls, so I don't really listen to any metal on these occasions.
Is this a joke thread or what? Black Metal + Red Wine? Gotta' be joking me. Next you will be smoking Djarum Blacks and listening to VNV Nation.
My chick doesn't drink really. She does listen to VNV Nation though. :loco:

I'm drinking beer and listening to my own farts.
I don't drink any alcohol. But yeah listening to music (BM or whatever) in the dark is quite relaxing. and more :heh: