black metal suggestions

Yeh, i am also looking or new black metal bands. I listened to most of the albums of Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth, Marduk, Satyricon, Old Man's Child...and others
early, good Setherial or crappy, latter setherial?

if the former, check out early Emperor. if the latter, check out dark funeral and kill yourself

What about early Dark Funeral. I've liked what I heard from The Secrets of the Black Arts.
Satyricon - Nemesis divina, dark medieval times, the shadowthrone
I shall personally kill anyone who reccomends Deathspell Omega, what a pile of junk.

Burzum is always a brilliant artist when it comes to Black Metal, but I've never heard of Setherial so I can't compare.
I could just reel off a few good BM bands though.
Excluding the obvious Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Emperor etc etc.

Nokturnal Mortum
Be Persecuted
Anaal Nathrakh
Abyssic Hate
Looking for some more symphonic black metal? any ideas? I already heard Dimmu Borgir, and Old Man's Child. So please recommend something else.
