Are there some tips to learn how to do good BM vocals? I can't figure out how to do them. I know there's tricks with Death metal vocals, like using you gut to make it a more gutteral sound and stuff. But how are black metal vocals done?
Yeah i noticed the most saliva in your mouth and throat the better it sounds, but my voice still can't get it perfect, do they use any vocal effects on BM albums?Marksveld said:I'd say you need to keep it coming less from the stomach and a lot more from the throat, but still keeping some gutteral in there so you don't totally destroy your vocal chords. Having a lot of moisture/flem etc. can help too. I'm not vocal-fiend, but this is just my two cents.
Funeral_Eclipse said:i'll tell you the real deal..because i do black metal vocals
it is a lot more with the throat and you really dont have to move your mouth if you do it right..well for my use your tongue for more pronunciation and accents you could say..and you pretty much speak through your throat and put a strain on it
damn i had a hard time explaining that..haha
but if you wanna do old school like Mayhem's "Deathcrush" album...just yell..haha
Funeral_Eclipse said:that was tr00 and kvlt..haha
but seriously..i liked your vocals
and the music wasnt that bad either..except for the mess ups in certain places
oh by the way, you said you were a BM vocalist right? I'm always interested in checking on BM bands, are you in one? Have any stuff i could check out?