Black metal vocals


Warrior of Black Metal
Sep 20, 2003
New Hampshire
Are there some tips to learn how to do good BM vocals? I can't figure out how to do them. I know there's tricks with Death metal vocals, like using you gut to make it a more gutteral sound and stuff. But how are black metal vocals done?
Oh and when i say black metal vocals i refer to older bm pioneers like Bathory, Burzum, Darkthrone, Emperor, Mayhem, Graveland, etc. Oh and Covenants, Moonsorrows, Dissections, and Dimmu Borgir's vocals aren't band either. So i mean the whole range of BM vocals. Like with DM you need to practice hard to get more gutteral. Like i went from Cannibal Corpse, to Nile, to Cryptopsy, to Cattle Decapitation, to myopia like DM vocals and can do a lot of okay DM vocals.
I'd say you need to keep it coming less from the stomach and a lot more from the throat, but still keeping some gutteral in there so you don't totally destroy your vocal chords. Having a lot of moisture/flem etc. can help too. I'm not vocal-fiend, but this is just my two cents.
Marksveld said:
I'd say you need to keep it coming less from the stomach and a lot more from the throat, but still keeping some gutteral in there so you don't totally destroy your vocal chords. Having a lot of moisture/flem etc. can help too. I'm not vocal-fiend, but this is just my two cents.
Yeah i noticed the most saliva in your mouth and throat the better it sounds, but my voice still can't get it perfect, do they use any vocal effects on BM albums?
Varg uses a harmonizer so i wouldn't think it makes them weak. Then again he never hasn't used one on his vocals. I like the sound i get with mine which is mostly natural, i setup the 4track i'm recording on to almost halfway between mic and line, so i get some of the shitty distortion and it mixes better but i use so little it's still a lot of my own voice. It sounds better this way then purely line, purely mic is a weak setting and overdone. I'll keep in the mind the reverb and EQ.
Blackmetal-vocals are a matter of practice ,too from my experience.
I remember on the Arch Enemy homepage Angela was asked what her vocal technic is and she said something about a kind of gurgling in the back of your throat, I think I use something pretty simmilar and can get pretty much any kind of sound from deathmetal (if its not too low) to blackmetal (if its not EXTREMELY high like some cof for example). It doesn't even put too much force on the vocal chords if you do it right. also using some gut is also good in blackmetal (think of something like Shagraths vocals on Mourning Palace for example)
i'll tell you the real deal..because i do black metal vocals :)

it is a lot more with the throat and you really dont have to move your mouth if you do it right..well for my use your tongue for more pronunciation and accents you could say..and you pretty much speak through your throat and put a strain on it

damn i had a hard time explaining that..haha

but if you wanna do old school like Mayhem's "Deathcrush" album...just yell..haha
Yeah, its really like tightening your throat and pushing out noise. Be sure to have a few cool beverages near by when you do them.

Another really cool thing is to inhale instead of exhale. Tighten your throat and inhale really hard.. it's more like a velociraptor sound from Jurassic Park I'll show you an example...

at 1:53 i do an inhale. don't worry about the song to much, it's poorly recorded and was done just for good times :)
Funeral_Eclipse said:
i'll tell you the real deal..because i do black metal vocals :)

it is a lot more with the throat and you really dont have to move your mouth if you do it right..well for my use your tongue for more pronunciation and accents you could say..and you pretty much speak through your throat and put a strain on it

damn i had a hard time explaining that..haha

but if you wanna do old school like Mayhem's "Deathcrush" album...just yell..haha

Thanks a lot, it's quite a challenge to do but i'm working it out, it's kind of interesting, i had learned a bit of how to talk using my throat but still was hard to do the first few times. This really helped, my black metal vocals have improved a bit. Not as good as Attila Csihar or Varg or Nocturno by miles but it's a pretty good start considering 1) they use at least a reverb or delay vocal effect or something like that and i'm doing it with only a 4 track and a microphone. If i can figure out a way how i'll try getting it on my computer, uploading it and posting it up here for feedback, if i do that please note this is my first attempt at any type of black metal and i'm doing the entire thing on my own and i have weak drumming skills and no bass. But it still sounds good without bass so i choose not to ;)
Did it load all the way? It did the same for me, i played it again and it worked.

Though note you may laugh, at least the others who heard it have but hey it's my first attempt at black metal vocals, the drumming isn't great, vocals are hard to hear, and there is no bass nor will there be and i had to play it in front of my computer microphone through the 4 track to get it to work so the quality is worse then it should be.
that was tr00 and kvlt..haha

but seriously..i liked your vocals :)

and the music wasnt that bad either..except for the mess ups in certain places
Funeral_Eclipse said:
that was tr00 and kvlt..haha

but seriously..i liked your vocals :)

and the music wasnt that bad either..except for the mess ups in certain places

Thanks a lot :)

I am impressed on how the vocals turned out myself, especially since i recorded them minutes after taking your advice :) The music i agree wasn't the best it could be but i recorded the vocals first and kinda rushed the recording to see how it all sounded together, i'll probably re-record everything soon and try to make it perfect. ;)
dude, that song is grim as fuck.. \m/ i'll take a demo when your done, we can trade.. let me know :tickled:

anyway... black metal vocals in my opinion... need reverb.. all black metal needs reverb, reverb gives it ambience and atmosphere... my favorite black metal vocal tone with reverb would have to be Darkthrone's "Total Death" mmmm yummy.
oh by the way, you said you were a BM vocalist right? I'm always interested in checking on BM bands, are you in one? Have any stuff i could check out?

its just my own one man project..but there are no samples soon as i get some i'll post them up for you to hear or something
Hexer, thanks. I agree with the guitar part, i have to turn the guitars down so you can hear the vocals better.

Would, Do i need to buy anything to get more reverb? I plugged my microphone directly into the four track, i could do the vocals using my amp if that'll help with the reverb. I'm not a huge tech guy when it comes to music, i just play, if it sounds good i record it, if the recording sounds good i work on a full song. But Windows Recorder only goes up to a minute so i can't get a full song up yet, that was the first verse on the song.

Funeral Eclipse, that would be great. I always enjoy checking out any black metal i can. You can say i'm an addict, especially to the overall black metal sound. While i know a lot more bands in the death metal scene and enjoy death metal black metal has always had that really interesting atmosphere that makes it special and i enjoy the whole black metal sound, i just don't know as many bands because i don't know any e-zines or even magazines at newstands that have information, news, etc on black metal so i'm stuck in a ditch and only find out about bands when people talk about them online. I'm really into BM and would love to check your work out.