Black Metal: Volume 1

Mr. Nekrophetamine

Expendable Youth
Feb 21, 2006
Mesa, Arizona
Huh... so... theres this comic that is supposedly about these kids and black metal, in a nutshell. I thought it might be nice to share since I believe Myspace is pretty unpopular around here?

Read here

I don't read comics much anymore, and I'm not into JV-esque comics much, but I found THIS entertaining. I'll probably pick it up. :lol: Reminds of of the high school days.

You might like it too... or maybe you'll hate it. What did you think?

(sorry if this is the wrong forum)
A lot of people who like JTHM are complete idiots and only like it because of Invader Zim and because they think it makes them look cool. The comics themselves are really good if you like that style. I like the style but the writer tried to hard to set up the characters in one comic when he should have focused more on humor.