Black metal


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
Ok, so I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to black metal.

I mean, I have some of the classics, my favorites probably being Emperor and Darkthrone.

So I guess I like my black metal to either be symphonic and dark, or raw and cold, if that helps at all.

And it has to have melody.

So rec away!
There are probably lots of threads that already have plenty of suggestions in them, but here's a nice list for you (all on the symphonic/melodic side of black metal):

Artefact (melodic black metal in the vein of Keep of Kalessin)
Antiquus Scriptum (a mix of raw/harsh black metal but with lots of epic melodies)
Akroma (symphonic black metal)
Bishop of Hexen (evil carnival symphonic black metal)
Black Lotus (melodic black metal, similar to Borknagar)
Hindvir (melodic black metal)
In Lingua Mortua (awesome symphonic black metal)
Limbonic Art (symphonic black metal)
Luna Ad Noctum (melodic black metal)
Negura Bunget (melodic avant-garde black metal)
Netherbird (more evil carnival melodic gothic/black metal)
Nokturnal Mortum (symphonic black metal)
Summoning (really epic black metal)
Vesania (more awesome symphonic black metal)

I'm not sure how many of these bands you already know, but you seemed like you wanted a big list.
Aeternus - ...And So The Night Became, Beyond The Wandering Moon
Abigor - Nachthymnen, Orkblut
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee, Memoria Vetusta
Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Tormentor - Anno Domini
Arckanum - Fran Marder
Negura Bunget - Om, 'N Crugu Bradului
Necromantia - Crossing The Fiery Path, Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Lunar Aurora - Mond
Veneficium - De Occulta Philosophia - A Missae Tenebrae
Mirrorthrone - Of Wind And Weeping, Carriers Of Dust
Mystic Forest - Romances, Waltz In The Midst Of Trees
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Nazxul - Totem
Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
Profanum - Musaeum Esotericum
Sarcophagus - Requiem To The Death Of Passion
Setherial - Nord
Stutthof - And Cosmos From Ashes To Dust
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Watain - Casus Luciferi
Taake - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid
Sad Legend - Sad Legend
Gontyna Kry - Welowie
Forest Of Fog - Nebelhymnen
Belenos - Spicilège
Averse Sefira - Battle's Clarion, Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Epheles - L'ombre De La Croix

A bit of everything, melodic, symphonic, raw or straight up black.
If you like Darkthrone, check out Ah Dzam Poop Ek by Xibalba. I'm pretty sure that you'd like it.
Ah, Damn Poop, Eek!




These should kick your ass.
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Mayhem is a great band. They might have a slightly American sound on the first records but "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" is great to listen to.
Also Burzum of course, Gorgoroth and Satyricon are pretty decent too, though their latest stuff sounds a bit odd to me.
Well I've heard Mayhem, and Burzum of coarse.

What I really wanted was more semi underground classic bands. Outside of the well known ones.
Estrangement is pretty good too.

ML, try out Amesoeurs. It's not really 100 percent Black Metal but maybe you'd like it. If you do, maybe Alcest would be good to check out as well although it's even less Metal than Amesoeurs. Same mind behind these projects. One more rec: Svartsyn - Timeless Reign. I'm still on the fence with this album but I thought I'd mention it.
Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust
Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind
Branikald - Rdyandalir
Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
Megiddo - The Atavism of Evil