Black metals biggest fans are ruining it?


Oct 13, 2002
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I'll start this thread off by saying I know jack about black metal. I quite enjoy it but have not been into it for very long. Also, what follows are some random thoughts I've had while browsing UM lately and I'll try to fashion them into something coherent.

I think the current state of black metal just dandy. Certainly, not every new release I come across is great nor even good. There are, however, plenty of above average albums being sporadically released. And yet, many BM fans seem to expect more. Many would appear to believe that because a large segment of new BM does not agree with them, nor does it show vast leaps in the evolution of the genre, it is either stagnant or downright declining.

These fans are often cynical, disillusioned, xenophobic, and neophobic. If anything attributed to a stagnation or decline, I say, it would be these fans. But how can they be some of the most rabid fans while at the same time, the most destructive? Their passion is great but it all lies in the past and refuses to give quarter to anything new.

Any thoughts?
Black metal is the most pompous music clique I've ever come across, far surpassing even idiotic bass snobery (if you're a bassist, you've fallen privy to this moronic phenomenon I'm sure). Much of it makes me hate the genre as a whole, even the stuff I really dig on. Sorta sucks like.
I myself am just getting into the music myself and I've pretty much thought highly of everything I've heard. I've never understood why blackmetal fans are so notoriously critical of the very music they love. However, RC has been graced with an intelligent, although minimal, supply of blackmetal fans. I can honestly say the ones here (Marksveld, Erik (i think?), MajestikMoose, and surely more) are actually quite the opposite of the norm as far as bm fans go. I suppose such a genre based on misanthropia, paganism, socialism, antisocial attitudes, and desolation (not to typecast) attract that kind of crowd. :tickled: I suppose all types of music have critical elitists, blackmetal just having an overwhelming amount.


I note the redundancy in using myself twice. Fuck off. :loco:
My main problem with black metal is the fans. I was a member of the FMP boards for a while, and well, see for yourself.

With that said, Mr. RAAUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLAAAA always puts a smile on my face.

Black metal fans are too convinced of their own supreriority in musical scales, and that's not something I've ever been comfortable with. Black metal as a genre has some amazing music, but after a time checking out 10 new bands a week for a few months, most of which sound exactly like Darkthrone or Graveland, it's easy to get cynical about it. Black metal is still probably my most listened-to genre of music, but I'd happily deny all involvement as a fan.
The only thing I find ridiculous about blackmetal, aside from the fans is Satanism... although that can be utterly HILARIOUS
lizard said:
too true...if there's much more silly than people bashing Christianity but then swearing allegiance to something based on the very existence/antithesis of Christianity....something does not compute.

Emphasised to show why it does compute...

Tell you what, if you use Soulseek (which you shouldn't because it's crap), jump into the Black Metal room and see the crap they talk about amongst themselves. Biggest bunch of idiots I've seen for a little while.
Indeed :)

I care for few black-metal bands today but as long as bands like Deathspell Omega , Lunar Aurora , Dornenreich , Negura Bunget and Blut Aus Nord are active , there is always a spot for BM in my collection.
Ayeka said:
Tell you what, if you use Soulseek (which you shouldn't because it's crap), jump into the Black Metal room and see the crap they talk about amongst themselves. Biggest bunch of idiots I've seen for a little while.

Well no, it is a good program, but agreed, the black metal room is a a hub for the most intellectually lost metal fans in the entire universe. Shadow0fDeath is still the biggest joke to black metal on the entire internet.
Don't even get me started on the majority of Black Metal fans!! I dig a lot of great bands in the genre but the fans, wtf. Mostly a bunch nerds who have been pushed around all their life looking for an outlet.
The "end all life" misanthropy thing is probably the most rediculous of all the BM beleifs, topping satanism without question. I cannot count the amount of bands I've read preaching about the destruction of mandkind and killing the weak, while in all likelyhood have never killed anyone and live in their parents basement. Fucking softcocks.
I like a lot of black metal, but I'm more into the more epic type like Belenos, Graveland, Nachtfalke, etc than the second wave bands like Mayhem, Darkthrone, and Burzum.

I thnk black metal is doing just fine right now. Sure there are a lot of clones and shit out there today, but this can be said about any genre. For some reason though, black metal gets picked on a lot these days.

And I know many don't like the way black metal has been warped wth these post-black metal bands. But I dig on some of it. Some succeed (Aborym) and some fail (Blut Aus Nord), so it's all good.
lizard said:
what I'm saying is that if you buy into the idea that Christianity is nothing but a series of fables, Satan is a product of Christianity.
Agreed, but the way I see it there's the people who deny christianity and all it brings and bla bla, the ones who use Satan as a symbol for opposing christianity, and those who worship Satan. Generalized heavily bla bla etc etc sieg heil, now I'm outta this thread yo

small edit: and then of course there's stupid people