Blackest of the Black - LA!


New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2002
Behemoth - Only caught part of their set, but I like them a lot, they played some of my favorite songs from them, including As Above So Below!

Lacuna Coil - Wow! I liked them more than I thought I would, I mean I've heard all their cds, but the live show was to be the test. They played Senzafine...that is all I can remember, I know they played more than that though ;)

NILE! - FUCK YES! Fucking awesome band :) I love Nile, they played a good set which included Sarcaphogus and Black Seeds of Vengeance! I was excited!

OPETH!! - 3 Song: Deliverance, The Drapery Falls, and Demon of the Fall!

Guess they wanted D songs :p they played wonderful. I love seeing them play TDF cause Mikael looks like he is having orgasms to his guitar, fucking love that shit!!!!

Good show, wish I could make it to the SD HEADLINGING Show, but I can't cause I'm to young...:-/

But I guess it is ok, since its the same set I saw on Feb. 1st 2003 and I will surely catch them on their Damnation tour with Porcupine Tree! and then I heard rumors about another tour later this year that set list could include ANYTHING? Opeth is awesome :D

It was funny, I mean, I'm not really much for pits (and I was on crutches anyways...) but Opeth was the only band people pitted to. It was crazy cause a shit load more people were there for Opeth than I suspected would be. That is because Opeth is going to take over the world! :D

I'm fuckin pissed about the MERCH situation, they didn't have the Opetht thongs, and my girlfriend and friend were disapointed! They didn't have any Nile shirts (girlfriend againd disapointed).

My girlfriend complained all through Lacuna Coil's set, it was funny, she dosn't like them at all.

Fuck me, I can't fucking move my neck it falls down :(:yell::D
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Pretty fucking sexy I must say.

But I wasn't as disapointed as you made me out to be. :erk:

It was a very good show. Nile is fucking great, Opeth of course, and so was Behemoth. :D

But fuck that fat bastard that made me move.

All in all it was a wonderful show.
You were in crutches? I actually saw a couple of guys in crutches. One of them threw one up during SJR's set (they sucked) and Phil was parading it around.

I got there halfway through Lacuna Coil's set (they were much better than I expected...2nd best that night IMO) so I completely missed Behemoth and still don't know what they sound like. Nile wasn't bad but they had a shitty sound. All you could hear was the vocals and the drums. Opeth was amazing. There are no words to describe it. I was speechless. Superjoint Ritual sucked hard and Phil (who was superdrunk) spent half of his hour just talking crap and bitching about the scene. Danzig was actually better than I had expected. I enjoyed it.
Hey dreamside, when did you buy the shirt in your avatar? I tried to buy one but they were sold out. My friend actually got the last one.
She was dressed like a secretary or something. I would have preferred to see her in something a bit more feminine. She didn't look too bad but she should have put on something different.

She sounded fucking great though.
O I see. I heard the merch was better when they were headlining. I didn't get to go see it though, as it was sold out.
Nile wasn't bad but they had a shitty sound.

I agree completely. I missed Behemoth, so I dunno about them, but Nile had the shittiest mix by like 10x last night. At first the guitar was WAAAAAAY too quite, then it was too muddy.
Blasphomy, Nile was great :D

Merch at the headlining show was better.

Behemoth was awesome

Lacuna Coil I must say did wonderful, but yeah I was wondering about what she was wearing...she was a hott little woman though, my mom says "Of course, she is Italian!" :lol:

I sure as hell can explain Opeth...I need to make a poster that has the Opeth O but then says Orgasm er something, Opeth = Orgasm that is the only way I can explain em :)
Danzig was better than I expected, like I said. They actually sounded pretty good and they didn't waste their hour onstage like SJR. Their sound was really solid and Glen didn't sound too bad. Either that, or it was the contact high I got from all the people blazing around me during SJR. :lol:

Awesome bill! I got there when Nile started, I was already pretty buzzed I had like a dozen Heinekens, 2 Long Island Iced teas, and 2 Crown and Cokes. Nile is aiight nothing spectacular IMO. Opeth........GOdfuckindammit!! these guys kicked serious ass! I must see them again live. Superjoint kicked ass too. Phil is god...period. Danzig was cool too, but the night obviously belonged to Opeth. By the time the concert was over I was already pretty hammered :ill: Anyways good times. Opeth will reign the music world!
Hey guys, I haven't posted much yet on the Opeth boards, but I just wanted to add my two cents about the LA show. As you all said, Opeth was simply amazing. After they finished playing, I was, like Ibsen, speechless. I couldn't believe how well the songs translated live in concert.
Lacuna Coil was pretty cool too. They came out with more energy than I thought they would. One thing that pissed me off though, was the fact that I could barely hear Andre. He was screaming the chorus to "Heaven's A Lie" into the mic, but nothing came out. Then Christina came in, and she was clear as a bell. Did anyone else notice that? Is it my imagination?

And, oh yeah, Iron-Flames, I think I was laughing at you the entire night. "Haha, there's that poor bastard with crutches in the pit!!" Still, gotta hand it to you for staying there and holding them up for the big screens to see!