Blackest of The Black Tour...Set List for Opeth?

The Melbourne gig was about $17US and they're headlining... in a small pub.... It's a once in a lifetime occurance (because next time they come they'll be playing in a bloody arena).
Man, I'm driving a total of about 1600 miles to see Opeth/Lacuna Coil at Universal Ampitheatre and Cane's in San Diego. And you guys are complaining about $35 for a ticket? Have you see the gas prices lately here? I think it's just a matter of who in here is more of a die-hard fan and who are just casual fans. Or maybe more who is intent on seeing one of their favourite bands live and who else just may not care as much for something like this. Some of us in here are a bit on the crazy side, wanting to see any shows that come to their area. Now me? It depends on the band. I really, really, really have to like a band/bands or a particular tour to drive that damned far. Opeth and Lacuna Coil are worth it to me. And I understand what Iron feels like. If my only chance to see Opeth would be to pay $35 for a middle-of-the-line-up gig for them, so be it. It's better than nothing when you consider your options. Some people are just that way. I know many people who think I'm insane to go to soooooooooo many concerts and drive really far for show (by myself, nonetheless). But music is my passion and my life. While other people are out rock climbing or skydiving, I'm at the next concert banging my head (of course, at the same time I'm attempting to do photos!). I will admit that a lot of the time I have the added feature of seeing my friends who are actually IN the band and being able to visit with them. All in the name of metal. !
I mean hell, just look at my sig line! That speaks for my whole life.
If your hardcore-ness is rated based on number of miles driven to see a band, Well then I guess I'm more hardcore than you. I've driven up to Seattle from Los Angeles and back for Shows before. Thats over 2000 miles.

I'm merely just annoyed that they are playing on a stupid tour as a mere opening act, where they will only get 45 minutes MAX on stage. I'd rather have watched them headline for 1 1/2 hours for 12 bucks instead of open for 45 minutes for 35 bucks. Doesn't that make sense to anyone else? Believe me squeak. I am just as die hard as you, I'm just a little bitter that I'm going to have to pay double the money to see Opeth play half the time as they will any other regular club date.
everyone realizes that even though they fill out clubs with hardcore fans that even though that is great, they need to take chances to hopefully gain more fans even if it means an occasional "45"minute set as an opener. They are still doing a US tour of headlining so if you choose not to want to see them as part of the blackest of the black, travel to one of the headlining gigs.

I personally think it is awesome that I will have had a chance to see them headlining this year and now I get to see them get a chance to possibly win over some others on a big stage here in arizona.