Blackest of The Black Tour...Set List for Opeth?


New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2002
Do you think they will stick to the orig. plan of playing just soft songs, as they will be doing on their headlining tour?

I'm going to see them in (the highest priced) are only $35.

I'm still wondering though, I think they should mix it up with some of their more brutal songs...cause otherwise it will be very weird hearing Soft Opeth (and I'd love to see them play their soft stuff...but) and Lacuna Coil, then Nile, Spiritualjoint Ritual (Never heard them, are they any good?) and then Danzig (Who I don't even plan on staying for...)

What do you guys think? And WHO IS GOING!!!!
Fuck this blackest of the black SHIT

So basically, to see opeth in LA, m going to have to pay 35 FUCKING DOLLARS to see them open for like 5 other bands that I really do not give a shit about?

Opeth is only going to get like 30-45 minutes to play, thats only like 3-4 fucking songs man. And I have to pay 35 bucks for 3-4 songs? This is fucking lame. Why cant they just play in a club like the rest of the damn tour
Hey assclown, apparantly youve never been to the Universal Ampitheatre

35 bucks is for the closest seats, and 25 bucks is for the seats so far away you might as well not even go to the concert.

Id rather pay 14 bucks for a ticket at a club show to see opeth play for 1 1/2 hours, than 25 bucks to sit 800 feet away from them and watch them play for 30 minutes.
I'm seeing Opeth, Lacuna Coil, and Nile, that is it. If I only see Opeth play for 3 songs, and I pay 35 bucks, that is worth it to me.

That or not see them at all. Period.

I already bought tickets :)
Iron-Flames said:
Do you think they will stick to the orig. plan of playing just soft songs, as they will be doing on their headlining tour?
The shows in May are the second leg of the Deliverance tour. The Damnation tour will be later this year. So I wouldn't expect to hear any Damnation material.
Well, its two shows to test how it will work, then if everything goes good, they will do a full length tour, which will be a different line-up, with (of course) Danzig headlining.

This is bad ass though! That means I can see them 3 times this year :) I saw them play Feb. 1st at the Troub. and now at Univ. Amph.!!!!!!

Alright bought tickets :)
Thanks for the information. It would be great if Danzig took Nile and Opeth on a U.S. tour, considering they are my two favorite bands, and I could see them open then leave. I doubt they will make they're way over to the New York City area though.
goatblower said:
Hey assclown, apparantly youve never been to the Universal Ampitheatre

35 bucks is for the closest seats, and 25 bucks is for the seats so far away you might as well not even go to the concert.

No, I have, and I didn't even pay near that much to see Iron Maiden, despite being a couple of rows above the pit. You seem to be thinking that visuals are everything, which they aren't, and honestly any one with a clue would prefer the sound of an arena type venue to some shitty club any way.