blackmetal rules


New Metal Member
Feb 12, 2004
choctaw oklahoma
thier are christian blackmetal and gothmetal bands as well as seculer ones i like both christian and noune christian seculer ones the bible in 1stcorinthians10:23 gives us as christian believers freedoms to eat foods oferd to idols and thus pertake of all things on earth becuse thier is but only one god and the earth and everything in it is his plus my view is blackmetal just kick butt anyway christian or not why do i serve god becuse i believe he is love and he loves us but blackmetal rules christian bands i like are saviourmachine 7thangel sacrament extol zao mortification just to name a few
my favorite seculer noune christian bands are morbidangel typeonegative cradle of filth nile sixfeetunder and deicide just to name a few but blackmetal just rocks peace my dark minded brothers and sisters rock on. :hotjump: :loco: :wave: :worship:
rock on brothers and sisters rock on life is not in control of us we are in control of it and all things are universal and the universe is in all things peace
Good for you, although not a single one of those bands is BM.

You want to hear some REAL black metal? Listen to Judas Iscariot or Averse Sefira. See if you still love it.