blackstar vs Marshall DM


Aug 28, 2006
Ok (no) shoot out here sorry, but i was lucky enough to play both cabs through a Peavey 6505 for a good few hours today.

:rock: the Marshall DM is scary good! shat all over the Blackstar series 1 cab.

both fitted with vintage 30s and the Blackstar being an Ooversized cab
it sounded extremely boxy and fizzy with a loose low end.

the Marshall gave the 6505 an almost organic sound smooth mid's
crisp highs no fuzz! and an extremely tight low end.

anyways this being more of a recommendation than anything!
try out these Marshall DM cabs there f""""" sweet!~

id stay away from Blackstar i know the price is appealing but anyone considering buying one please put it head to head to another v30 cab on the market it wasn't too hot sounding tbh :ill:

again personal observation, i'm sure if i could post a clip ud agree anyhooo

with all said i also played through the Blackstar 100w head and this was extremely good sounding with a'lot of tasty features worth checking out.
Hmm didn't Andy mention he was impressed with these cabs? They are around 700 euro wich is really good if they are even close to a Mesa.
Not too sure how close to a Recto cab they'd be in sound (since it's not at all oversized), but Andy did indeed use it for the admittedly awesome tones on Endgame!
My mate actually ended up buying the DM that day, we put it head to head to my 1960a cab and i nearly died :cry:

going to save my pennies and get 1 myself there that good.
and the price tag on them is sweet too.
Yeah nobody ever takes any notice of my clips :P

Its pretty much broken in now too so it sounds alot less fizzy. Will try and get some new clips shortly.
Apologies, I probably missed it because I just read Marshall 1960 and ignored the DM. Sounds pretty promising.