can you share your drum sizes / info and your tunebot readings/findings. I have a tunebot but i still kind of struggle with it a little. i end up just using my ear. thanks.
There's a few techniques you could employ. Firstly, have the drummer use the brightest tom skins possible (Remo Pinstripes work well) so that you're boosting less highs in the mix when EQ'ing attack into the toms. This will lessen the cymbals sticking out in the individual tom tracks. Delete all the spill out in Pro Tools (or whatever software you're using) and put a fade on the last tom hit. Another alternative is to just replace the last tom hit of every fill with a tom sample (always get samples of the toms prior). Or, just fully replace all the toms with his sampled toms. I'm not a fan of having the drummer play the cymbals separately but it can get good results. Sometimes using an expander works well. It sounds more natural than a gate. You'll still have spill but it will be less. Blend with sampled toms and you're on your way! I hope all that helps.
Good tips! Especially the replacement of the last tom hit of a fill. Never thought about that. This thread is a good bunch of great ideas and techniquesCan't wait to try some of these for my next drum recording.