Blind Gaurdian fans?

don't worry, someday you'll come to grips with your first year of high school and realize that music really doesn't make your dick bigger.
Dead_Lioness said:
^ py, I love Helloween, read what I said, PUNK!

Yeah, I know, I'm agreeing with you! Silly Karen. :grin:

Yvette said:
don't worry, someday you'll come to grips with your first year of high school and realize that music really doesn't make your dick bigger.
:lol: Actually, though, it's been scientifically proven that listening to Running Wild makes men's genitals grow. Everyone knows that pirates have enormous testicles.
Dead_Lioness said:
Ok, BG and Helloween are the only "gay metal" i like.
so STFU!!!!kthanxbye.

Rhapsody is weaker than Coors Light.
You like Anathema too.
Anyway. Helloween RULED, Blind Guardian RULE, everyone who calls their music gay, should check some of his/her favourite bands before that.
IOfTheStorm said:
You like Anathema too.
Anyway. Helloween RULED, Blind Guardian RULE, everyone who calls their music gay, should check some of his/her favourite bands before that.
Death isn't gay, Nevermore definately isn't gay, and Bodom doesn't fit that category either, to name a few
Elysian893 said:
and Bodom doesn't fit that category either, to name a few

hah!!! the joke of the day!

Yeah bodom is not gay.. uh huh yeah sure...