Blind Gaurdian fans?

Hello people, Helloween with Deris NEVER released something as good as the ep, "Walls Of Jericho" and BOTH "Keeper Of The 7 Keys" albums.
The Deris stuff sucks (most of it), it lacks inspiration, and still talking about "being more speed metal" again the first 3 albums and the ep triumph.
IOfTheStorm said:
Hello people, Helloween with Deris NEVER released something as good as the ep, "Walls Of Jericho" and BOTH "Keeper Of The 7 Keys" albums.
The Deris stuff sucks (most of it), it lacks inspiration, and still talking about "being more speed metal" again the first 3 albums and the ep triumph.

Deris Rules! And what Helloween does nowadays appeal WAY better to me than monotonous high pitched Kiske!
Funny Jokes... I've never met any of you guys, but you are talking shit on my favorite Blind Guardian album

A Night at the Opera is one of the greatest metal albums of this new century..

Killer song include but not limited to: Battlefield, The Soulforged, Under the Ice. And then there was Silence, Punishment Divine, The Age of False Innocence...

I can't believe Guardian Fans don't like their most accomplished work...

If I was Hansi you guys would make me sad.

Three best metal bands: Blind Guardian, Death & Emperor
ANATO is a mess. A huge fucking mess. Even the band says so. In an interview in a Swedish magazine, Hansi admitted that the sound on that album wasn't really what they were going for, and that they had sort of lost the edge and aggression underneath all the layers of excessive vocal tracks and retarded symphonic mess (my words, not his.)

I always thought Keeper Part II was way overrated...Kiske sucks hard on that album, and the songwriting is much weaker than Keeper 1. Cheesy and way too light on the riffage. Give me The Dark Ride or Time of the Oath any day.
metaluntildeath said:
Funny Jokes... I've never met any of you guys, but you are talking shit on my favorite Blind Guardian album

A Night at the Opera is one of the greatest metal albums of this new century..

Killer song include but not limited to: Battlefield, The Soulforged, Under the Ice. And then there was Silence, Punishment Divine, The Age of False Innocence...

I can't believe Guardian Fans don't like their most accomplished work...

If I was Hansi you guys would make me sad.

Three best metal bands: Blind Guardian, Death & Emperor
and then there was silence was so fuckin epic! great song... that whole album is great
Well, the jokes were a little funny, despite the fact that they reeked of someone who has never taken more than a glance at Blind Guardian's lyrics. How often do BG sing about dragons? Not very often? And is it not usually a metaphor, as Hansi himself has stated? =\ And Blind Guardian very often sings about 'reality', albeit often veiled by fantastical imagery. But whatever...

After some years all of you BG proud defenders are gonna despise the fact that you were BG fans, because you "discovered new music and evolved as listeners". This happens with many bands, not only BG (Cradle Of Filth, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Nightwish)
I like children of bodom, but they are pretty gay. if you don't believe me look at some pictures from thier you're better off dead or something recording sessions. they're hugging and in towels. drunk beyond comprehension or gay.
Larf03 said:
Deris Rules! And what Helloween does nowadays appeal WAY better to me than monotonous high pitched Kiske!

Oh no you di'nt! Dude, Kiske is an amaaaaaaaazing vocalist. He actually sounds better now than he did back then (except he's kind of out of the metal thing now). I know Avantasia is gay, but Kiske's vocals make it worth it.

PS. This thread made me go watch some of the BG DVD. Mmmm, even missing 125 of the 128 vocal tracks, And Then There Was Silence still rules.

At the moment of death I will smile...
I like every band that anyone has mentioned on here.
B.G. Cradle of Filth, Inflames, Helloween, all the power metal, Death , Emperor, and so on, maybe Im not as picky as everyone else. Rhapsody and COB are both awesome also.
I dont see Cob as teeny booper.
Also WALLS OF JERICHO DOES FUCKING ROCK ASS. One of the best import purchases Ive ever made. I like Steel Tormentor , maybe its just the way my guitar was tuned at the time but the verse riff for that song and we are 138 by the misfits seems to be the same exact chords. Just picked alittle different. ANyone like 3 inches of blood?
i seriously recommend you to