Blind Guardian at Comic Con.

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
“Aw hell yeah!!!! I'll be there and I'm definitely going by the booth. Nice to see metal represented at Comic Con.” (from Blind Guardian Facebook)

It is interesting to this happening and to read such comments. And good that someone has finally came up with this idea. I wish I had thought of it.(insert sarcasm).
I believe they were there last year as well, or at least a couple members...Hansi and Andre maybe?. IIRC, they were involved in promotion for their work on Sacred 2.
I believe they were there last year as well, or at least a couple members...Hansi and Andre maybe?. IIRC, they were involved in promotion for their work on Sacred 2.

I was just going to say, I could swear to God this wouldn't be the first time they do that.

Now, aside from ComiCon, how about BG doing a full US tour? :)
Yes they were there to support a video game. The thing I found funny was the quote. Heavy metal represented at one of these types of conventions, I seem to remember someone attempting something similar a few years ago. Though it wasn't as high of profile or a band the size of Blind Guardian.
But no new idea here.
Yes they were there to support a video game. The thing I found funny was the quote. Heavy metal represented at one of these types of conventions, I seem to remember someone attempting something similar a few years ago. Though it wasn't as high of profile or a band the size of Blind Guardian.
But no new idea here.

I know DragonCon regularly has concerts of some sort, and I think they did have Metal bands at least once year.

Calling Mr. Cashman!
Yeah, Iced Earth played at DragonCon 13 years ago. So I don't really get the taking-it-personally sarcasm behind this thread.


Not taking anything personally. And what was done at Dragon Con. was a little different than simply Iced Earth showing up to promote their comic themed releases at the time, well the attempt was at least.
The statement in the quote was about "heavy metal" in general, Iced Earth was not there for simply metal they were there to push their releases. Our idwa was not about bands, it was about just bring the presents of the sub-culture into an event were many other were also represented. And it was meet with a lot of resistance. No matter. Just find it curious that this idea may take hold now.
you shouldn't be so vague about it jeremy. TTD was a good idea when you brought them down. word. there i said it. glad, to see the Comic Con peeps have caught on that metal is "popular again." hahaha.
I hate to say it,but I think I have lost my passion for Blind Guardian. I don't really like them anymore kind of boring to me,but the that's really cool they are going to ComicCon, I would love to see some Metal acts at DragonCon, I can't afford to go all the way over there for the Con when I know DragonCon will be coming to Atl. and I live about 2 hours away. Oh well at least Rifftrax/Cinematic Titanic/MST3K are coming to DC again this year.
I hate to say it,but I think I have lost my passion for Blind Guardian. I don't really like them anymore kind of boring to me,but the that's really cool they are going to ComicCon, I would love to see some Metal acts at DragonCon, I can't afford to go all the way over there for the Con when I know DragonCon will be coming to Atl. and I live about 2 hours away. Oh well at least Rifftrax/Cinematic Titanic/MST3K are coming to DC again this year.

Well we did try to get bands down there. No matter how it turned out the attempt was made.
Interestingly enough several bands were interested in the idea. I was talking to Lordi's management, Icarus Witch and Gates of Slumber were interested, one one the member of After Forever contacted me out of the blue interested in doing it. That was only a few names.
I believe when it was being put together and went down the only people that seemed to believe in it or want to get behind it was one of the bands, Hoyt and the head of the convention, he was a Maiden fan so he loved the idea.
I would have loved another shot knowing what I would have been up against, TTD felt the same way.
So be it, that's what happens when you try to do something cool, it fells and others then give it a go.
I think Guardian certainly could go over well in a setting like that especially in these days. It was a little to soon for Iced Earth when they did it. Beside they are not really a "geekish" band.
Another band that has played is MINDFLOW. And Danilo won an award for the storybook insert that was used in "Mind Over Body".
I know DragonCon regularly has concerts of some sort, and I think they did have Metal bands at least once year.

Calling Mr. Cashman!

Yep, we've tried to have metal at Dragon*Con. The last attempt ended up being a miserable failure. Unfortunately our band-booking guy has looked mostly elsewhere since, with a few oddball exceptions (Mindless Self Indulgence, etc)....

Yeah, Iced Earth played at DragonCon 13 years ago. So I don't really get the taking-it-personally sarcasm behind this thread.

In the words of Jon Schaffer, "Dude. That was a weird show." :)

And it was...but it was also lots of fun.

The statement in the quote was about "heavy metal" in general, Iced Earth was not there for simply metal they were there to push their releases. Our idwa was not about bands, it was about just bring the presents of the sub-culture into an event were many other were also represented. And it was meet with a lot of resistance. No matter.

It was handled with some good ol' incompetence, too.

So be it, that's what happens when you try to do something cool, it fells and others then give it a go.

Yep, that's what happens when the bands arrived late, they arrived ill-prepared to showcase their music (I was told they were drunk when packing, and therefore forgot to bring a boombox or anything), etc.

Dragon*Con is all about promotion. Bands do not typically receive a guarantee, but out-of-state bands get comped hotel for the duration of the convention, and a merch table to showcase their wares and their music in front of 35,000-40,000 people. Other bands who have been savvy at promotion have done quite well for themselves at Dragon*Con, even during their first year -- and not necessarily goth bands, either. In TTD and Vainglory's case....well, they arrived only a few hours before their show, and had already missed their best chance to promote by a day or two.

As for your personal chances to return with a future show, completely threw that out the window when you insulted certain directors and participants online, after the event.
Yes, I know. You've said on this very forum that you like to call things as you see 'em. But you also have to live with the results of tactlessness, and the resulting bad taste "poisoned the well" for metal at Dragon*Con for years.

--Paul C.
director, Dragon*Con Band Concourse and Acoustic Stage
Yep, we've tried to have metal at Dragon*Con. The last attempt ended up being a miserable failure. Unfortunately our band-booking guy has looked mostly elsewhere since, with a few oddball exceptions (Mindless Self Indulgence, etc)....

In the words of Jon Schaffer, "Dude. That was a weird show." :)

And it was...but it was also lots of fun.

It was handled with some good ol' incompetence, too.

Yep, that's what happens when the bands arrived late, they arrived ill-prepared to showcase their music (I was told they were drunk when packing, and therefore forgot to bring a boombox or anything), etc.

Dragon*Con is all about promotion. Bands do not typically receive a guarantee, but out-of-state bands get comped hotel for the duration of the convention, and a merch table to showcase their wares and their music in front of 35,000-40,000 people. Other bands who have been savvy at promotion have done quite well for themselves at Dragon*Con, even during their first year -- and not necessarily goth bands, either. In TTD and Vainglory's case....well, they arrived only a few hours before their show, and had already missed their best chance to promote by a day or two.

As for your personal chances to return with a future show, completely threw that out the window when you insulted certain directors and participants online, after the event.
Yes, I know. You've said on this very forum that you like to call things as you see 'em. But you also have to live with the results of tactlessness, and the resulting bad taste "poisoned the well" for metal at Dragon*Con for years.

--Paul C.
director, Dragon*Con Band Concourse and Acoustic Stage

Well the reply originally was very long, but no need for such a reply.
However I will say this, first of all you do not have your facts straight, nor do you know why things went the way they did. You really weren’t around.
But I will say this and leave it alone. I would rather try something and it fell then be a flunky my whole life.