Blind Guardian at Jaxx was AWESOME!


Apr 4, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
That was a totally kick ass show tonight at Jaxx! Both Blind Guardian and Leave's Eyes did indeed deliver, although Leave's Eyes did run into some technical problems during thier set. I happen to run across one of the band members in the bathroom after the show and made a comment that I thought it was an excellent show. He was apologizing about all the techincal problems and wish they could've done better. I basically told him that hey, shit does sometimes happen, and I still enjoyed the show. He was quite grateful of that.

The only gripes I had was that they would not let us take pictures (they made me check my camera at the front door), and that the Blind Guardian guys never came out for a meet-n-greet. I did get to meet the guys from Leave's Eyes, though - really cool guys.

Oh well, still an awesome show that I very much enjoyed going to.
That was a totally kick ass show tonight at Jaxx! Both Blind Guardian and Leave's Eyes did indeed deliver, although Leave's Eyes did run into some technical problems during thier set.

The show was awesome. Something that I've noticed with Jaxx, though I love the venue, I frequently hear opening acts complain about technical or sound troubles. I expect/hope that isn't something that is done on purpose, but I have heard of some places that like to make sure that none of the early bands sound better than the headliner. I hope that not the case in this instance. Either way it was still a great show.

Like you said both bands played incredible sets. I was lucky enough to catch the tour stop in Philly on Saturday as well and that was a real treat. I have to admit that the crowd in Philly (regardless of size) seemed much more enthusiatic and much more receptive to both bands. They clapped and yelled everytime it was requested of them by bands members, something the Jaxx crowd seemed a little hesitent of, and they wouldn't even let Blind Gaurdian sing the Bard's Song. The crowd at Jaxx was good, but had no where near the enthusiasm of the Philly crowd. :headbang:

I too got a chance to talk with the guys from Leaves' Eyes and with Liv a little bit early on in the evening. I could tell it was an exciting experience for them, coming to America, and most of them said at one point or another that they hope to be touring the states again soon. They were all very nice and very greatful that so many of the shows had sold so well. They signed a few things and took some pictures with me. (I have a great picture of Chris, Leaves' Eyes bass player, scooping me up in his arms. Snapfish won't let me post them here, but it's posted on my myspace.) I talked to Mathias the most, but couldn't find him for a picture at the end of the night. :erk:

Also, does anyone know if the guy that Alex landed on when he stage-dove is ok? I heard Liv appologize about his arm and dedicate the next song to him during their set, but I didn't see anyone who looked hurt afterwards. Perhaps Alex did not realize how big he is or how small the young folks in the audience were when he decided to lunge off stage into the crowd. :lol:

:headbang: :kickass: :worship: :headbang: :kickass: :worship: :headbang:
The show was awesome. Something that I've noticed with Jaxx, though I love the venue, I frequently hear opening acts complain about technical or sound troubles. I expect/hope that isn't something that is done on purpose, but I have heard of some places that like to make sure that none of the early bands sound better than the headliner. I hope that not the case in this instance. Either way it was still a great show.

I honostly don't think that was done on purpose. When I was talking with the one guy, he kept saying is MIDI board kept shutting off. I don't know if it was his MIDI board or the club's. I am guessing it was his/band's. With the limited amount of time to get these shows setup, it is not surprising that once in awhile, something will fuck up. At least at the Zero Hour show, I don't recall any technical problems from anybody that whole night, and there was something like 6 bands on that night!

Like you said both bands played incredible sets. I was lucky enough to catch the tour stop in Philly on Saturday as well and that was a real treat. I have to admit that the crowd in Philly (regardless of size) seemed much more enthusiatic and much more receptive to both bands. They clapped and yelled everytime it was requested of them by bands members, something the Jaxx crowd seemed a little hesitent of, and they wouldn't even let Blind Gaurdian sing the Bard's Song. The crowd at Jaxx was good, but had no where near the enthusiasm of the Philly crowd. :headbang:

I'd love to have gone to the Philly show myself - probably could've pulled it off as it was on a Saturday. Ah well, I was tied up that day anyway. I wanted to sing along myself, but could not remember the damn words to the Bard's Song (then again, it was awhile since I sat down and actually listened to it). At least the guys up front seemed pretty enthusiastic, although I did not see as much head-banging as I'd though I would. I was right up there at the rail on the extreme left (facing the stage) up against the speaker stack.

I too got a chance to talk with the guys from Leaves' Eyes and with Liv a little bit early on in the evening. I could tell it was an exciting experience for them, coming to America, and most of them said at one point or another that they hope to be touring the states again soon. They were all very nice and very greatful that so many of the shows had sold so well. They signed a few things and took some pictures with me. (I have a great picture of Chris, Leaves' Eyes bass player, scooping me up in his arms. Snapfish won't let me post them here, but it's posted on my myspace.) I talked to Mathias the most, but couldn't find him for a picture at the end of the night. :erk:

Darn it, I'd liked to have at least gotten a chance to chat with Liv myself. I did get to chat with Alex for a small bit as well as one of the other guys (I cannot remember his name - had the really short "crew-cut" type hair - guess I"ll have to dig out the album and look). I hope to see these guys again in the future, as I really did enjoy thier show.

I was just bummed that nobody from Blind Guardian came out though, even after waiting a nearly an hour out in the friggan cold at the buses. I was hoping to get to chat up Hansi and a few others, even for a brief moment - to at least shake his hand and tell him "awesome show - thanks!".

Also, does anyone know if the guy that Alex landed on when he stage-dove is ok? I heard Liv appologize about his arm and dedicate the next song to him during their set, but I didn't see anyone who looked hurt afterwards. Perhaps Alex did not realize how big he is or how small the young folks in the audience were when he decided to lunge off stage into the crowd. :lol:

:headbang: :kickass: :worship: :headbang: :kickass: :worship: :headbang:

I don't know, but like you said, I don't recall anybody complaining or looking like they were hurt. If somebody ended up truly hurt - well, I am on the ski patrol at Massanutten, so at least I am a certified emergency first responder. I could not believe that Alex did that - that guy is about the same size as me, and I am no small person. I may have been able to catch him, but yeah, there were alot of smaller/younger folks in that audience that night that did not seem prepared to catch somebody like Alex (plus, there is a rule at Jaxx saying no stage-diving/crowd surfing was allowed - don't know if that also applies to performers as well as the audience)

Would've liked to met some folks from this forum there, but with that crowd, there was no way I would've been able to tell who was who. Glad that you also enjoyed that show as well. Yeah, Jaxx does have its quirks and downsides (then again, what venue doesn't), but still an awesome place to see some awesome shows.
Steve when you get a chance PM and I will tell you about meeting artists at Jaxx!!!!! I live in Culpeper!!!!!!
I had a WHOLE different experience at Jaxx last night. First of all, I'm on a 3+ hour drive after work so after checking the website numerous times, (doors 8, show at 9) we decided to check into our place prior to the show at 7:30. At 8, we called to see about how many openers would be on and what times. We were informed 2 bands only and the first is on NOW. 20 minutes away, different state, 1 hour EARLIER than the posted time. All in all, we got to hear 2 leave's eyes songs and I don't know how in the hell they did a 7PM meet n greet at Strangeland records. Did that even happen?

Now, let me preface this by adding that on the LAST Leave's Eyes tour, my girl and I drove to Cleveland after work and I, again, took the following day off of work. Guess what? A Leave's Eyes no show. No notice. No apology on their website. No explanation until many days later. I'm officially done with this fucking band. Period. In all of my days, I've never had any other act with the "problems" that this band seems to go through according to them. All in all, I've spent in excess of $400 to hear 2 songs live. $200 per song, what do you think?

Blind Guardian, also, I found to be as boring as they were at PP3. You know, back in the day, they were the most technical and speedy band going so they could get by on "listen to us play", but now they are not the most technical band going and they're still standing around doing nothing. Vocals aren't as they appear on the cds. Backing vocals aren't as they appear on cd (if EVER a band needed to use sampling..) and after 2 views, I find this band to be like watching grass grow. Good setlist, though, on the positive side.

On top of that all, I overheard a very reliable source explaining how the bands came in that morning demanding that the start time be pushed up. I heard that they were some of the most difficult acts to come through the doors down there overall. One story involved a light that wasn't "right" according to the bands' crew so the Jaxx crew turned it off knowing it was ok, acted as though they fiddled with it, did nothing to it, turned it on and it was all of a sudden "ok" with the crew. I heard about a smoke machine that needed to be moved 1/4 of an inch. I know, I know, great bands want everything perfect...blah..blah. But add everything up, and I left last night with a bitter taste in my mouth for BG and ready to kick Leave's Eyes in their collective groin.

I think Jaxx should have stuck by their advertised time and told these bands to go to hell as far as moving up the start an entire hour on the day of the fucking show. So, yeah, I"m pissed at the management there too. Second worst concert experience of my life right behind the Leave's Eyes no show and standing around Cleveland-fucking Ohio for 2 hours wondering and waiting. Thanks again guys.
Damn.....all I can say is that you are an ASS to blame Leave's Eye's for anything. Thier first tour was a mess, from what I have been told, read and even talked to a few people in the band, it was a mess from the start. To blame a band for missing them is insane. I do not know how many times I can say this to people..........NEVER BELEIVE START TIMES IN WEB PAGES OR TICKETS. If you really want to see a band...get there damn early. I have been to so many shows that have started early. My key example was Iced Earth/COB/ Evergrey at the Metro in Chicago. Show was supposed to start I think at 6:30, well they opened the doors an hour early and started the show right as they opened the doors and nearly everyone missed Evergrey. Sure it sucks to have to drive 3 hours plus to a show but, if you have that long of a drive, you ought to have left earlier and if it was that important to you to see the show, take the day off of work or do what you can to get there early.

Really cant defend any band or club with dealings with each other. Having been behind the scenes at many shows and know the goings on backstage and with the issues with getting a show set up, I can take both sides, some bands are very strict with how things are done with sound and lighting....if not you would be the fisrt to comment how bad the sound or lighting was. ALso some clubs suck with these aspects and need to be told how things are done to make the show it's best.

Too bad you had a bad time and missed Leave's Eyes only advice is to leave earlier for shows....or move to a bigger city so you dont have to drive for 3 hours to get to a show.
I do not know how many times I can say this to people..........NEVER BELEIVE START TIMES IN WEB PAGES OR TICKETS. If you really want to see a band...get there damn early.

Ain't tha the truth! If I recall, the website said doors at 8 and show at 9. The ticket itself said doors at 7:30, show at 8:30. In reality, the doors opened at 7 and the show started at 8. I was there, in line by 6:30 (having coming up right after work as well). Usually, friggan Jaxx is late at getting shows started (remember waiting out in the friggan cold for well over an hour at a Kamelot show last year - because the damn band was late getting there).

As for the "meet-n-greet" at Strangeland Records, from what I was told from somebody that did go there, it did take place, but they were there for only like 10 minutes (I didn't go because I did not want to drive up to Annandale then have to drive back down, coming from the south). Also, from what I heard, it was the manager/tour organizers that pushed for an earlier start, not the bands themselves. But than again, what I hear is one thing, and what actually happened could be another.
AMAZING SHOW! A dream come true to finally see Blind Guardian live. And a PERFECT set! From the very beginning, it was everything I would have hoped for. I sang along to EVERY song, at the very top of my lungs too haha! I seriously thought my vocal chords were going to rip apart right at the beginning (Hey, Hansi wasn't singing the high parts so I felt I had to for him!) Me very happy! It will be quite a while before this show is topped (Progpower, maybe? :p). CHEERS!!!!
Damn.....all I can say is that you are an ASS to blame Leave's Eye's for anything. Thier first tour was a mess, from what I have been told, read and even talked to a few people in the band, it was a mess from the start. To blame a band for missing them is insane. I do not know how many times I can say this to people..........NEVER BELEIVE START TIMES IN WEB PAGES OR TICKETS. If you really want to see a band...get there damn early. I have been to so many shows that have started early. My key example was Iced Earth/COB/ Evergrey at the Metro in Chicago. Show was supposed to start I think at 6:30, well they opened the doors an hour early and started the show right as they opened the doors and nearly everyone missed Evergrey. Sure it sucks to have to drive 3 hours plus to a show but, if you have that long of a drive, you ought to have left earlier and if it was that important to you to see the show, take the day off of work or do what you can to get there early.

Really cant defend any band or club with dealings with each other. Having been behind the scenes at many shows and know the goings on backstage and with the issues with getting a show set up, I can take both sides, some bands are very strict with how things are done with sound and lighting....if not you would be the fisrt to comment how bad the sound or lighting was. ALso some clubs suck with these aspects and need to be told how things are done to make the show it's best.

Too bad you had a bad time and missed Leave's Eyes only advice is to leave earlier for shows....or move to a bigger city so you dont have to drive for 3 hours to get to a show.

Oh, MOVE????? Damn, I didn't think about that!!! Can you get my girl and I teaching jobs that starts me at 5 years experience and her at 3, 40K/yr, and a mortgage around $350 in Chicago? I'd LOVE for you to help me out on that one.

I'm an ass because on the last "fucked up" tour they played the night before in Detroit 2 hours away and failed to show at all in Cleveland? Didn't have too many problems to play Detroit, did they? As far as taking ANOTHER day off, I've already spent 2 on this band and I don't know how many days you get off in a year, but mine are limited.

I blame them for constantly having "problems" with whatever the situation is. I just heard that they had more "problems" at a prior show this week and they couldn't finish their set. Always problems with this band that no other band I've ever seen has. I think they should know that if they want to break a new area, they better do some fucking things right and so far I've not seen it with this band.

However, as I stated, I blame the club as well for not taking a stand for their customers. I can also blame Blind Guardian because they are headlining this tour. They have to have the most stroke.
It is just funny that you blame a band for the problems of a tour....I know first hand the issues that they had on that tour. It was a mess that was beyond thier control. They are one of the nicest bands I have ever met. The problems that bands have with some venues is band sound systems and other things that hinder a good performance....with trying to break new ground and get a name for yourselves in the US, do you really want a half assed set???? NO!

It is just funny that you basically did not plan well for your trip and it is everyone else's mistake. I always laugh at the people that walk in late and dont get a good spot or are mad that they missed something....what about the people who got there early, waited out in the cold to get a good spot or sat through some lousy opening acts to get to see the whole show or see it from a good spot. You should have gone to the club first before going to the hotel room...Am I right????

Secondly..a club could care less about it's customers having a great time or that you got to see the whole show....all they want is to sell drinks and get a cut of the merch!!! that is it. I have seen so many clubs treat people like cattle.

only thing I can say about your career is transfer:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Get there early? I DID!! Of course I can say now that I shouldn't have gone to the hotel. However, for 23 years of metal participation, I've never had any fucking problems with any band. This band has burned me twice. What about the just no-showing in Cleveland? How was I supposed to plan for that? If one of the earlier posts was accurate and there was a 10 minute meet and greet, you're saying that was on the up and up? What about wrapping up early at a previous show because of "problems"? You may like this band, and that's ok, I did too. However, I feel I have enough experiences, and ones that i HAVE planned well for to make a judgement that says "be wary of them in the future".

Imagine if you went to broadway and a show started 1 hour early. How would that go over?

Imagine if you went for a 9AM job interview and you get there at 8:30 and the people say, "ah, we started early. You should have been here at 8 so tough shit on you".

Imagine if NBC began some of its programming 60 minutes early. How would the ratings be?

I think because we're "rock fans" we're somehow expected to lower the bar for our entertainers? Bullshit. The problem is that there are so many fans who accept whatever shit goes on that a band can get away with this type of behavior. Take Glenn to task for his stance on Nevermore and see what he tells you. It's only different in that there is more $$$$ being dealt with in that case, but it's the same unreliable bullshit.

I WAS there and I was there early. Apprently just not early enough. Where does it end? Be at the place at 2PM like a fucking Black Friday shopper "just in case"? I think I"ll hold people to some level of responsibility.
I totally empathize with you, man! Same thing happened to me early this year - drove 2 hours to catch Evergrey's 1/2 hour set going by the time posted on the venue's website and got there just after they had finished.

Next day, drove 3 hours to catch the next show (needless to say, we went very early).

We also had a very close call with the Epica/Kamelot show and arrived just 5minutes before Epica started.

Since then, we plan to arrive when the local bands are playing just to be safe!
On top of that all, I overheard a very reliable source explaining how the bands came in that morning demanding that the start time be pushed up. I heard that they were some of the most difficult acts to come through the doors down there overall. One story involved a light that wasn't "right" according to the bands' crew so the Jaxx crew turned it off knowing it was ok, acted as though they fiddled with it, did nothing to it, turned it on and it was all of a sudden "ok" with the crew. I heard about a smoke machine that needed to be moved 1/4 of an inch. I know, I know, great bands want everything perfect...blah..blah. But add everything up, and I left last night with a bitter taste in my mouth for BG and ready to kick Leave's Eyes in their collective groin.

I can't speak about LE, but that sounds like the BG I know...
Mike I understand you guys had bad experience with what happened but I got to meet them before the show and they where very personable,gracious,etc. I know I am looking at different angle than you but I could have not aksed for nicer experience with them!!!!!!! Hansi and Andre even took 2 pictures and were all smiles and very talktive!!! With Andre and Marcus even discuss some of the guitar playing on Twist in the Myth!!!!!Great experience fan wise!!!!!
I WAS there and I was there early. Apprently just not early enough. Where does it end? Be at the place at 2PM like a fucking Black Friday shopper "just in case"? I think I"ll hold people to some level of responsibility.

I do have to agree with this. Just how early is TOO early? I've been to enough shows to not trust what is written on the website and/or tickets, but I would imagine that it is not unreasonable to arrive an hour or two before the stated start time (perhaps earlier if you want a better chance at getting a decent spot on the floor). At least that is what I always try to do. I could tolerate maybe an hour at most one way or the other (early/late - and I try to plan it to allow for such), but if a show started earlier or later than that - then I agree that is complete bullshit.

But than again, it seems everytime I go to these shows they are a good half hour plus late getting started.

But on the flip side, I've been to the symphony at the Strathmore as well, and believe me, when they say a show starts at 8 there, you better be in your seat by 8, less you miss any of the performance.
That bathroom off to the right, immediately after coming in the main entrance?:puke:

Nope, the one on the far left of that bar in the "back-room", near the kitchen entrance, which, as far as bathrooms go, is actually fairly clean.

Did not know there was another bathroom in the place.