blind guardian vs rhapsody

Blind Guardian is lame. Rhapsody sings of magical lands, wizards, and dragonlords. What the fuck else do you people want!?
Musically I would say Blind Guardian. But I hate them because of Hansi Kursch's shit vocals. I want to vomit whenever I hear the bile coming out of his mouth.

So overall, I would pick Rhapsody. Similar style musically, but the vocalist of Rhapsody is way better.
Poison God Machine said:
Musically I would say Blind Guardian. But I hate them because of Hansi Kursch's shit vocals. I want to vomit whenever I hear the bile coming out of his mouth.

I don't see why you find Hansi Kursch so intolerable when you're a Nevermore fan...Warell Dane bellows and warbles in an off-key frenzy (his Sanctuary days excluded).
Jean-Pierre said:
I don't see why you find Hansi Kursch so intolerable when you're a Nevermore fan...Warell Dane bellows and warbles in an off-key frenzy (his Sanctuary days excluded).

Funny that you'd pick the term "warbling." I was about to describe Rhapsody's singer as an incessant warbler. I like Rhapsody but his constant undulations sometimes grate on the nerves.
Thraxz said:
Funny that you'd pick the term "warbling." I was about to describe Rhapsody's singer as and incessant warbler. I like Rhapsody but his constant undulations sometimes grate on the nerves.
He's a classically trained singer, and he's quite good in that context. He's actually a pretty good vocalist in general, but the music is piss.