Since I only noticed this topic now and I want to reply
I'll give the topic a major "up", with a big gap in the middle...
Well, my 2 favourite bands are Dark Tranquillity and Blind Guardian (as you might asume due to my nick), and while I think DT are really a great band, I believe BG are much better.
There's not even one song from BG's last (5) studio albums (excluding Forgotten Tales) that bores me.
I started to listen to them when I just got into metal so I heard many times the same songs from the same bands and Blind Guardian are the only band I still like from back then (I got bored by the other bands pretty quick).
There's just something about them and their music that makes me feel that they know exactly what they are doing, yet they are always trying new ways to create different songs (and they are different) with their great knowledge and understanding of music. They always find a way to improve somehow from album to album (however imposible it may seem).
When I listen to Opeth, let's say, I also feel that they know exactly what they're doing, but with BG it's different 'cause Opeth are somehow also giving me the feeling that they are not so modest and that they didn't really challenged themselves. BG do give me that feeling, which makes me give them much more respect and apriciation.
They also challenge the listener which is very important for me.
They are also great, funny, decent and modest people.
They are very kind to their fans and participate quite a lot in their web forum.
I think I wrote too much already so I'll stop here.
If you want songs recommendations from the new album, my favourites are Precious Jerusalem, Under The Ice and And Then There Was Silence. All the rest of them are also good.