Blind Melon anyone?

I'm not a fan really, but just remember them earlier this week and got a few tracks to my computer. They're okay, I like the Soup song.

somebody died in this band right?
Yep, I love blind melon. I played in a band years ago with a singer we swore was the incarnation of Shannon ..

deserted, seed to a tree, holyman, mouthful of cavities, soul one .. very cool tunes, it's too bad hoon is gone like so many great ones/
Our singer took off to teachers college one weekend, and didn't tell anyone he was going or was even thinking of going... *sigh*

Gotta love band politics.
Love them. I miss Shannon more than any other musician who has passed on. Still listen to their three cds on a regular basis when I'm in a non-metal mood. Need to get my hands on their dvds one of these days.