Blitzkrieg for Bloodstock 04


Forged In Fire
Jan 13, 2002
N Ireland
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Their last album Absolute Power is a classic, they have a strong back catalogue and they deserve a chance to play at a large UK music event.

Blitzkrieg for Bloodstock :headbang:
I have just finished listening to it as I saw your post after buying it at Bloodstock.
Yeah lets get them on, in fact lets have a NWOBHM stage!
Blitzkrieg Absolute Power is exellent album.

I had it like months ago. Brian Ross is cool dude.

I wanna Rock Forever!

Talking about Geordie stuff, most of popular NWOBHM is from Newcastle anyways.

I spoke to Jess Cox of Tygers Of Pan Tang at bloodstock. Such a nice guy!

Raven, Venom, White Spirit, Geordie... man you name it bands that same as amount of stars.


I want to see HOLOCAUST instead of Blitzkrieg though...
No to Witchfynde though. Their latest album sucked big time cos it sounded like pub rock band. I think it's called "Witching Hour"? I swapped it with Iced Earth Horror Show...

Grim Reaper must re form... :-(
Steve Grimmett, Nick Bowcott \m/

Cloven Hoof, Jaguar is pretty cool also.

I also want to see Japanese metal bands like Anthem, Loudness, X-Japan, Concerto Moon, Sabre Tiger etc. Rylics are half Japanese and English hahaha!
There are some great NWOBH bands named here. White Spirit was great too bad I never had a chance to see them live. Jaguar I did see a few times. Last time @ Wacken '99. They still kick ass. Anyone ever heard of "Toad the Wet Sprocket"? I still ahve their single "One glass of whiskey". They seemed like a bunch of Rush fans to me.

Mmm, I am rambling :D. Blitzkrieg is a great band for Bloodstock!
I've heard of Toad the Wet Sprocket Hawk!! I also got to see White Spirit live twice! One supporting Gillan with Quartz and as headliners here in Hartlepool, UK (Their hometown!!)! I have actually managed to get a copy of White Spirit on Japanese import alao! :D
dragonmaiden said:
I've heard of Toad the Wet Sprocket Hawk!! I also got to see White Spirit live twice! One supporting Gillan with Quartz and as headliners here in Hartlepool, UK (Their hometown!!)! I have actually managed to get a copy of White Spirit on Japanese import alao! :D
Holy shit! Someone lese has heard of them! That's great! White Spirit as support act of Gillan? That's how Janeck got to play with Gillan. Now I see.

You mean you have the CD version of the White Spirit album? Does it have any bonus tracks? And do you have a link for me?

BTW Gillan was great in the early 80s. I love their "Future Shock" album. "No
Lauching in Heaven" must be the funniest song ever written. Bernie Tormé was such a kick ass guitarist! One of the things I liked about "Gillan" was that they performed on a big stage that was much higher than the avarage stage. I never understood why other did not use this great idea. You alway's has a great look on the band during a Gillan gig.