Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

MudGuts said:
It's simply a case of Kerrang being the biggest target so it's the easiest one to hit.
Well no, that's not true. Kerrang! is easy to hit because collectively, you've made such an arse of yourselves. Now I appreciate that musical tastes change. But so what? Kerrang! used to cover bands I like, and outwardly appeared to like those bands as well. So what's changed? The bands are for the most part still making great music. But Kerrang! now thinks the music's crap. Now if the music's stayed broadly the same, then the magazine was just blatantly lying in at least one of those two cases. Sure, new styles of music come along. By all means cover them if they fit in with the magazine (which arguably they didn't but that's another argument). But why stop covering the previous style? Why not cover both? That way you're appealing to a wider audience. But the fact that K! has consistently slagged off power and trad metal for the last few years just makes it a laughing stock. Why a gig review of some talentless no hopers at a half empty Monarch while ignoring a sold out Forum the same week? The only answer can be that K! long ago stopped caring about the music, and is far more concerned with image and sales (the latter is at least understandable).

I guess the beef most people around here have is that Kerrang! has huge amounts of influence in which genres are popular (save the bullshit about only covering what's popular -- you drive it, not the other way around, and everyone knows it). We get rightly annoyed, then, when you abuse the influence. Cover both the old and the new and let the public decide, and everyone will be happy. But by completely ignoring one style, you're arbitrarily forcing people away from a style of music that most people around here like -- of course that's not going to be popular. Why Kerrang!? Yes, it's the biggest selling music mag in the country, but it's also the only one that goes to such extremes to either slag of or just completely ignore the people that made it in the first place. The others all still cover the style of music we like to greater or lesser extents.

Yes, I know that it's not completely black and white. As I've mentioned before, I was somewhat surprised to see the Dream Evil gig not only mentioned, but get a positive review. There are other examples, too. But they're exceptions to the rule, not the norm.
Joe5now said:
AND whoever heard of a guitar going 'kerrang'?
It's the worst onomateopea ever created!
I'll have to disagree with you there. It's a reasonable representation of a guitar through an overdriven valve amp (just the way we like it :). But the change in the magazine was summed up best on the Sinergy message board, by TheDean, who said:

TheDean said:
"kerrang" rarely, if ever, features the noise "kerrang"

maybe they should change name to "BEEP, WOOP, DISK SCRATCHING NOISES!"
or "STRUM!"
Tet said:
Yes, I know that it's not completely black and white. As I've mentioned before, I was somewhat surprised to see the Dream Evil gig not only mentioned, but get a positive review. There are other examples, too. But they're exceptions to the rule, not the norm.
You are right Tet, and I think your statement is Black and White. I basically echo your sediments. And true, apparently the fuckers did do a review of the Dream Evil gig and the best band on display (Falocner) didn't even get a mention!

I've done the whole kerrang debate so many times now that I can't be arsed anymore. The greedy corporate bastards will not change. I just hope they stay away from Bloodstock.
Hmmm...I thought this thread was about who we wanted to play Bloodstock ( and I was gonna say Galloglass ) but now I see we are on the Kerrapp ! debate again...

I wouldn't wipe my arse with it as it is full of more shit than the afore-mentioned. It's an embarrassment. Next!