Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

MadGuts: True, but then again all magazines and webzines that do reviews are IMHO shit (yes this includes Terrorizer and The Metal Observer, the latter giving Evanescence a 10/10 review whilst slagging off Yattering and Enslaved) I respect Dom Lawson fron K! because he knows his stuff and Matter were something truely special. Kerrang! jus has a specuial place in my hert because of the way it is consistantly trend obsessed and stupid.
the thing is with kerrang that they appear to not be able to make their minds up, no offense to you mate but if your magazine continues to slag a band off and then when they get popular hail them as the best new band around and parade them around lkike you discovered them then i shant respect your choice of jobs...
I don't attack kerrang 'cos it's the biggest target, Terrorizer and Metal Hammer are equal sized targets, it's just that kerrang is the worst closely followed by Metal Hammer. Don't take this personally or anything, you might be a good guy for all I know, but surely you see everyone's gripe with that magazine? It's jumped on every bandwagon going since Nirvana came along and now even has the cheek to insult true metal and pretend it doesn't still exist in some cases. It feeds a very gullible audience a load of bullshit 90% of the time.
And yeah I read kerrang in WHSmiths while waiting for my bus.
It gives loads of undeserving bands too much publicity and thus making them even more popular!
Ok so it does have some good bands in obviously but % wise then 95% of the bands displayed in Kerrang are pretty shit! All the sort of bands that you see kids walking round with them on their hoodies! The main thing is that it puts real metal bands into the same boat as a lot of shite stuff. Someone before said Nightwish were classed as 'Nu Goth' I mean why??
Ah It's just that I can't understand all this music that people listen to these days. Man I know it shouldn't but it pisses me off hearing everyone saying how there favorite bands are murderdolls, slipknot, linkin park and evenesance etc etc. They like them because they have not heard anything else. And Kerrang helps with that by publising all these bands loads!
I admit that I liked all them sort of bands about 6 years ago and read Kerrang....and that's all I knew.....
Until one day I heard some real metal music on 'total rock' and suddenly realised all the quality metal that was out there and now hate all the shit i used to listen to because i've realised how talentless they all are!
At least bands like Slipknot are good for something.....they made me want to start a band because I listen to them and think fucking hell I could writ songs 100times better than them :p
I'm pretty sure kerrang actually now calls itself a rock magazine, but it isn't. Q or Total Rock are more 'rock' than Kerrang, which is punk, emo and nu-metal mostly.
lets hope he desides to leave the hopeless soogy pile of stale piss that Kerrang is and go start up a new, true metal magazine, with an epic as hell name... like Metal Warrior or Swords To The Sky... or anything remotely epic that deals with proper metal and metal only... if only someone with money had good taste how things would be different ey...
Yes someone needs to set up a good magazine, actually Powerplay is supposed to be okay isn't it? but that's not widely available at all. Kerrang in other countries is supposed to be decent too.

By the way Jono did you find my CD player?
You won't see me on the morrow as I'm so ill I'm having to type very slowly because I'm shaking so much I can't hit the keys :D
Give Dionysus a good listen though, it's a pretty damn good album. I reccomend it to all ye bloodstock messageboarders.
Reminds me of Luca Turilli (same vocalist) meets Sonata Arctica.
I have a-listened to ome of it and found it to be worthy of further listenage although im currently too busy re-discovering Bodom and Opeth... but soon i shall listen, and listen well...
Joe5now said:
You won't see me on the morrow as I'm so ill I'm having to type very slowly because I'm shaking so much I can't hit the keys :D
Give Dionysus a good listen though, it's a pretty damn good album. I reccomend it to all ye bloodstock messageboarders.
Reminds me of Luca Turilli (same vocalist) meets Sonata Arctica.

Would this be Sign of Truth or Anima Mundi? Both are impressive albums but I think the new one has the edge...I think Shining Star is my fave track!
Dammit, I almost bought that when I picked up my W.A.S.P tickets last week but I thought I'd give it a miss. I bet they've bloody sold it now too :erk:

I'll have to pick this up as soon as I can.

Cheers guys, I have been wondering if it's any good so my question has been answered without me even having to ask!! :D
Dream Thief you live in yorkshire right? if you live near wakefield then Hellraiser is the place to get it, there was a copy in last time i was in...