Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

Possibly going to be the best one for me so far! Because i've just met a group of people who are into all the same music of me and have all got tickets to Bloodstock. 5 of them got free tickets somehow!! hehe
Oh and if anyone is going to see Blitzkrieg on their forthcoming tour then my mates band 'from the ashes' are supporting them!
ivory tower would be cool, yes...

being northern is cool, yes...

HIM...nah, i don't reckon...we don't want an onslaught of mini moshers swooning at ville valo at bloodstock! personally i don't think i could stand a full set either, i dont mind them in small amounts (indeed saw them a bit a donington), but they're a little morbid really, imho :)
03/01/04: The very first appearence of FROM THE ASHES, 13th Febuary @ Tap n Spile Newcastle. Doors open 7:30pm

03/01/04: FROM THE ASHES first HEADLINE show plus support, 21st May @ Tap n Spile Newcastle. Doors open 7:30pm

03/01/04: FROM THE ASHES have teamed up with BRIAN ROSS, To support BLITZKRIEG, YES BLITZKRIEG at Washington Arts Centre, Washington, Tyne and Wear. Doors open 7:00pm. Tickets will be available SOON!... (spot me in the crowd picture)haha

No dates posted yet but check out their website if you wish!
Joe5now said:
Indeed, HIM be a pox upon the usually wonderful metal factory that is Finland!
Actually, they're not that bad. Kind of a lightweight Sentenced for the masses. I'm off to see them again in a fortnight. They may not be the best band in the world, but they're lightyears ahead of most of the rest of the contents of Kerrang!
im off to see HIM at the end of feb i dont think there that bad i do agree with Tet they are miles better than anything else kerrang have to offer but i do remeber a time when Kerrang where slagging them off but since Bam(the bloke from jackass) has started doing stuff with em i have seen them on the cover quite a few times under the banner Nu-goth i mean what the fuck is Nu-goth they even put Moonspell under that banner that mag really does know dick all ahhhhhhhhhhh
Ok Eagle I will inform you of any dates that come up!!!

Nu-Goth??? Yeah Kerrang are dumb asses...Why don't we just have Nu-punk, Nu-Ska, Nu-power metal...haha I wouldn't put it past them!
I seen HIM live for about 15 minutes and they were not that bad I suppose...but I don't think they would suit the Bloodstock bill. They are not a band I would particularly be bothered about watching considering all of the amazing bands that play at Bloodstock!

I don't get half the music genres that are out now! I'm sure we could do without half of them and catorgarise a lot under the same banner so to speak.

Similar to species of animals for example...anyone who has seen Ricky Gervais:Animals will know what I mean....."1000 type of bat? I think people are nit-picking a bit...theres probably about 8 types" :p
(What the hell am I driveling about?????????)
Kerrang know that putting 'Nu-' at the beginning of any genre will make the baggy masses buy their stuff.
Apparently Nightwish are 'Nu-Goth' too. Kerrang know fuck all and I'm gonna escape this discussion before it makes me genuinely angry!
here here! although they could be a pillar of true metal whos trying to inject some truth into the pile of shag... although if there is someone like that then theyre a chronic failure...
Don't know if I'll be reviewing but I'm hoping to get to see it this year. Couldn't last year - was away watching my ex-drummer and best friend getting married. I'll wear my Crown t-shirt so it's easier for you to find me, deal?

Yes I think it is a comic!
Storyline is a bit boring's just about these people who go to various gigs and give the shitest bands they can find good ratings. Then they review all the shitest albums out and give them all good ratings too.
They even go as far as interviewing some of the members from all the shit bands aswel. And they give all the bands funny titles like 'Nu-goth' and 'Nu-metal'
Shittiest bands? Won't get sucked into a debate as you've clearly made up your mind, and I'm certainly not going to take responsibility for things that I haven't myself written. Truth is I popped in because I wanted to get more info on Bloodstock '04. But personally I don't think Enslaved, Entombed, Slayer, Thus Defiled, or any other of the gigs I've reviewed have been unworthy of notice. It's simply a case of Kerrang being the biggest target so it's the easiest one to hit.