Blizzards kick ass!


I think the whole state of Ohio has been shut down. It's a "level 3" emergency, so if you are on the road in many counties, they can arrest you. I hope my sister gets handcuffed and locked away for going to see Bon Jovi tonight. They should get double the fines too, they defied the law, and demonstrated poor taste in music.
Me, I've got everything I need to survive a couple of days of isolation and I'm looking forward to it actually.
I'm snowed in here in DC too. I've got beer, wine, food. I've got lobster tails and brie with cabernet. The only problem is that blockbuster is walking distance but the motherfuckers closed
Originally posted by TD
I think the whole state of Ohio has been shut down. It's a "level 3" emergency, so if you are on the road in many counties, they can arrest you. I hope my sister gets handcuffed and locked away for going to see Bon Jovi tonight. They should get double the fines too, they defied the law, and demonstrated poor taste in music.
Me, I've got everything I need to survive a couple of days of isolation and I'm looking forward to it actually.

Yeah I nearly died trying to get to Meijer today though the dumb bitch driving the wrong way on my one-way street was the biggest hazard.
One of my friends is going to the Bon Jovi show tonight. Thankfully she found someone else to go with her (I'm assuming) so I didn't have to tell her no.
Damn, Alex and I are "metal snobs" he's eating brie and lobster tails, I'm eating english roast w/ chai tea. Alex, I went to the video store last night and all the new releases were ppicked over, so I went w/ an oldie but goodie "Excalibur" watching the new Saint DVD made me want to watch it. Plus, getting any old movie on DVD is like getting a new movie. Then, this morning, the local UHF channel was showing Star Wars. It's not like I haven't seen it one million times, but I always watch it when it comes on.
Originally posted by AlexStomp
We all have stars on tape/dvd but never watch it. As soon as it comes on TV, we're glued. Why is that??? Not just Stars Wars but alot of movies

I think w/ Star Wars it is because back in the day, before VHS/Beta, before we all had cable, we didn't have it at our disposal. When it was on a network, it was an EVENT It was fucking huge. The whole family sat and watched it. Brothers and sisters sat and watched it. I remember it being like the SuperBowl and there was a 2 hour special about Star Wars before NBC showed Star Wars. So now, even though I have it VHS 3 times over, I still watch it or any of the others when they are on TV. This current generation, has no idea, they have no idea how huge Star Wars back then.

Come to think of it, since it is a blizzard out, I'm watching the Empire Strickes Back tonight!!!
Yeah Blizzards do kick ass. The wife and kids are stuck at her parents tonight so I get a nice quite evening to myself which is a very very rare thing for me anymore. Actually it won't be a quiet night at all, I'm going to have the tunes blairing :headbang: while I stretch out on the couch and smoke J's all night :Smokin:. It'll be so awesome no having to go out to the barn to smoke.:rolleyes: I think I'll give Episode II another watch later too.
Originally posted by TD
I think w/ Star Wars it is because back in the day, before VHS/Beta, before we all had cable, we didn't have it at our disposal. When it was on a network, it was an EVENT It was fucking huge. The whole family sat and watched it. Brothers and sisters sat and watched it. I remember it being like the SuperBowl and there was a 2 hour special about Star Wars before NBC showed Star Wars. So now, even though I have it VHS 3 times over, I still watch it or any of the others when they are on TV. This current generation, has no idea, they have no idea how huge Star Wars back then.

Come to think of it, since it is a blizzard out, I'm watching the Empire Strickes Back tonight!!!

Damn, I thought I was the only one who had three copies of the VHS. I'll be watching my bootleg of Empire tonight on dvd. It even has two really cool behind then scenes documentaries on it and an interview with Ben Burt. Of course, I'll wait until after Alias. Daredevil on Friday, SNL last night and Alias tonight....I'm gonna OD on Jennifer Garner....
Originally posted by TD
I have the copies that came back out on CBS/FOX video in the hard cover. Then the "boxed set" from like 1993, and then the 1997 re-edits. I think I am the only person looking forward to the "Super Deluxe DVD's" w/ all the new footage.

Same ones I got, and no, you are not the only one. You got a long wait though. They're talking about a 2007 release...
2007 isn't that bad. You have to figure, Episode III doesn't come out until 2005. That gives Lucas two years to finish up the "super deluxe editions." You can't forget that between now and 2007, we have another new film, that makes the wait a little better.
There's a theatre downtown called the IMAX. Anyone heard of it?? It's located inside of a museum. I saw some Jaque Cousteau documentary there and it blew me away because it seemed 3D. Wait, I think it was 3D. Well, they were showing Star Wars there for a while and I regret not going.