Bloodbath Hype = Fucking Irritating

Cryonaut X

New Metal Member
Dec 21, 2002
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Does anyone really think Century Heebria would have touched music like this with a ten foot pole if they hadn't been able to market it as "Featuring members of Opeth, Edge of Sanity and Katatonia"? How many of the little Blopeth fagboys would be running around trumpeting what is, for all intents and purposes, little more than a well executed Carnage ripoff if say, the release was BY Carnage instead of by a band fronted by their favorite molestor mustachioed pinup?

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with the album, but the putrescent reek of fanboy splooge attached to the whole project is just a bit annoying.
*tries to think a side project by well known metal bands where this DOESNT happen*
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
I disagree with you sir, thats the way everyone now sees it. Then it was just another flag, nothin special. No different than the american flag.

uh, yes, it's a flag for a federation of states who supported the continued enslavement of blacks.

is the swastika just a tibetan goodluck charm, then?

though granted, the american flag is about as bad, nowadays.
Originally posted by saturnix
point. but...

perhaps the reason it's good is not simply because these members brought their name, but their talent as well.

What talent? Remove Dan Swano from the lineup and you've got an "all star" band with exactly zero decent albums to their credit, of course, it doesn't take a whole lot of talent to rip off Carnage and early Grave and rely on names to move discs.
Originally posted by Cryonaut X
What talent? Remove Dan Swano from the lineup and you've got an "all star" band with exactly zero decent albums to their credit, of course, it doesn't take a whole lot of talent to rip off Carnage and early Grave and rely on names to move discs.

then you're talking about opinions and not advertising.
No, I'm talking about reality AND advertising. Had Bloodbath been just four 20 year olds ripping off early 90's classics, they would never have received a second glance from Century Media, much less the effusive praise of the selfsame Opeth/Gothenburg fans who would never, ever admit to listening to old school death metal.
Originally posted by Cryonaut X
No, I'm talking about reality AND advertising. Had Bloodbath been just four 20 year olds ripping off early 90's classics, they would never have received a second glance from Century Media, much less the effusive praise of the selfsame Opeth/Gothenburg fans who would never, ever admit to listening to old school death metal.

according to your logic, the members of bloodbath consist only of names and not of talent. hence, the group itself is one big name-drop, and not a combination of talents.

most of the people who praise it recognise both the individual and conglomerative talents of the members. the fact that you view them as talentless heavily biases (and invalidates) your opinion, so your conclusion is baseless.
Originally posted by saturnix
according to your logic, the members of bloodbath consist only of names and not of talent.

Their talents (limited though they may be) are irrelevant to the success of the project. Remove the name-drop factor and what you're left with is another unsigned death metal garage band (or at best, a band signed to a smaller label like Unique Leader). Whatever the state of their talents (collective and individual), it was manifestly NOT talent which brought the project to fruition, but the names of the individuals involved, take away the name recognition, and Bloodbath doesn't get the time of day from Century Media, casual metal fans or the metal media.

most of the people who praise it recognise both the individual and conglomerative talents of the members.

Totally irrelevant, regardless of the level of talent (which, in fact, is rather limited). Praising a mediocre record because the band members are talented is like praising a football team with a losing record because it has some good players. If you remove the awe many metal fans and writers inexplicably hold for the individual members of Bloodbath, no one would be talking about this record, because it's essentially unremarkable, generic death metal.

the fact that you view them as talentless heavily biases (and invalidates) your opinion, so your conclusion is baseless.

So, since I don't hold the same opinions about individual musicians that you do, my opinion is invalidated? Your logic is impeccable...impeccably moronic, that is.
Originally posted by Cryonaut X
Their talents (limited though they may be) are irrelevant to the success of the project. Remove the name-drop factor and what you're left with is another unsigned death metal garage band (or at best, a band signed to a smaller label like Unique Leader). Whatever the state of their talents (collective and individual), it was manifestly NOT talent which brought the project to fruition, but the names of the individuals involved, take away the name recognition, and Bloodbath doesn't get the time of day from Century Media, casual metal fans or the metal media.

i'm sorry, i didn't realise it was a bad thing to associate talent with certain talented musicians. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Cryonaut X

Totally irrelevant, regardless of the level of talent (which, in fact, is rather limited). Praising a mediocre record because the band members are talented is like praising a football team with a losing record because it has some good players. If you remove the awe many metal fans and writers inexplicably hold for the individual members of Bloodbath, no one would be talking about this record, because it's essentially unremarkable, generic death metal.

your opinion happens to be that the album is bad. hence, any conclusions you draw from this are limited in scope only to the consequence of that opinion.

Originally posted by Cryonaut X

So, since I don't hold the same opinions about individual musicians that you do, my opinion is invalidated? Your logic is impeccable...impeccably moronic, that is.

thank you for misreading my post entirely. i'll reiterate, just for you: you are trying to pass your opinion of bloodbath off as a statement of fact, from which you derived your diatribe about big name musicians and corporate whoring. the fact of the matter is, no one really cares what your opinion is but you. and thus, no one really cares about your opinionated, biased, and arrogant diatribe, either.