Bloodbath Hype = Fucking Irritating

Originally posted by saturnix
point. but...

perhaps the reason it's good is not simply because these members brought their name, but their talent as well.

To your ears perhaps, and to commonly not used to brutal or classic death metal ears, like those of your average opeth/edge of sanity/katatonia fans.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I agree. I'm from the South as well, and it seems the only ones keeping the whole "Confederate Flag= Racist" thing going are people NOT from the South, such as Yanks or, like you said, California libs. I went to the Rodeo Cookoff this past weekend (free alcohol and barbecue cannot be beat), and there was a cookoff team called The Confederated Cookers, with Confederate Flags everywhere on their booth. Guess what, they were all black.

Like I said, the only people that care about that stuff are the people who know nothing about it or the PC suck ups.

thank you, some rational thought for once
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Or you could put the confederate flag in your avatar!! That's a much better idea! YES!! WHY NOT A SWAZTIKA?!?!

refer to above posts, guy... by the way, you're a fucking australian, wouldn't you think maybe, just MAYBE, i'd know a tiny taste more than you about this one?
I actually listened to Bloodbath before I started listening to Opeth. Bloodbath kicks ass plain and simple. I like it because its very groove oriented and the guitar tones are simply evil. To me Opeth and Bloodbath are at total opposite ends of the scale. I love Opeth for the talent behind the guitar work and theyre a good band to chill to. Bloodbath to me, is what death metal is all about. You cant be evil and play classical accoustic guitars and sing like and angel at the same time.

P.S. - Good luck to bumblefoot and the Canada Games!
Originally posted by Jim LotFP
Two problems:

1- Not nearly as interesting as any of the members' regular bands.

2- Not nearly as good as the bands they're 'paying tribute to.'

1 + 2 = timewaster

Describes how I feel about the album in a could add 3. Not representative of any of the members' true strengths.
It's an album.. if you like it you like it.. if you don't you don't. I don't think it did enough to you personally to give anyone reason to bitch.

For my two cents I dig it.. it is what it is. ANd I'm not about to blame the members for being famous.. heh.. it's not that I'm not jealous I'm just not that petty or ridiculous.
