Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh
Century Media - 77555-2 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse
So, by now I assume you all know the line-up changes that have occurred in extreme metal's most respected 'supergroup' - Opeth vocalist Mikael Akerfeldt has stepped aside for Hypocrisy throat-wrangler Peter Tagtren to take the mike, whilst Dan Swano has vacated the drumstool for Witchery skin-basher Martin Axenrot, taking up second guitar duties in the process. So, what effect has this re-shuffle had on the band who, with Resurrection Through Carnage, perhaps managed to better evoke the spirit of early-90s Scandinavian death metal than the old masters themselves have done in recent times?
Well, if you're expecting more Dismember, Carnage and Entombed worship, chances are you'll be a tad disappointed. That growling, dirty-ass guitar sound has gone, replaced with a far more modern-sounding, chainsaw growl of a tone. The riffage has gotten both more melodic and far more complex - we're not exactly talking Cryptopsy levels of technicality here, but Axenrot's wizardry behind the kit and Swano's move to six-string duties has opened up new avenues for Bloodbath's sound. Opener 'Cancer Of The Soul' absolutely crushes, while 'Outnumbering The Day' showcases some seriously speedy, intense riffage. Both axe-wielders know how to carve out a wicked solo, too.
Tagtren's vocal performace was potentially the most contentious point of the album, but luckily his approach is quite similar to Akerfeldt's - deep, throaty, growled vocals with the occasional high-pitched, prolonged scream - thankfully, very little of that raspy-voice that he uses so much in Hypocrisy. So, this album sees Bloodbath stepping confidently away from their previous, tribute-band-with-original-material sound to become a far more intriguing and contemporary entity - however, some will undoubtedly miss the old-school bludgeonings of Resurrection Through Carnage. For the rest of us, I doubt there will be a better death metal album released for the remainder of the year.
Bloodbath Official Website
Century Media Records
Century Media - 77555-2 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse

So, by now I assume you all know the line-up changes that have occurred in extreme metal's most respected 'supergroup' - Opeth vocalist Mikael Akerfeldt has stepped aside for Hypocrisy throat-wrangler Peter Tagtren to take the mike, whilst Dan Swano has vacated the drumstool for Witchery skin-basher Martin Axenrot, taking up second guitar duties in the process. So, what effect has this re-shuffle had on the band who, with Resurrection Through Carnage, perhaps managed to better evoke the spirit of early-90s Scandinavian death metal than the old masters themselves have done in recent times?
Well, if you're expecting more Dismember, Carnage and Entombed worship, chances are you'll be a tad disappointed. That growling, dirty-ass guitar sound has gone, replaced with a far more modern-sounding, chainsaw growl of a tone. The riffage has gotten both more melodic and far more complex - we're not exactly talking Cryptopsy levels of technicality here, but Axenrot's wizardry behind the kit and Swano's move to six-string duties has opened up new avenues for Bloodbath's sound. Opener 'Cancer Of The Soul' absolutely crushes, while 'Outnumbering The Day' showcases some seriously speedy, intense riffage. Both axe-wielders know how to carve out a wicked solo, too.
Tagtren's vocal performace was potentially the most contentious point of the album, but luckily his approach is quite similar to Akerfeldt's - deep, throaty, growled vocals with the occasional high-pitched, prolonged scream - thankfully, very little of that raspy-voice that he uses so much in Hypocrisy. So, this album sees Bloodbath stepping confidently away from their previous, tribute-band-with-original-material sound to become a far more intriguing and contemporary entity - however, some will undoubtedly miss the old-school bludgeonings of Resurrection Through Carnage. For the rest of us, I doubt there will be a better death metal album released for the remainder of the year.
Bloodbath Official Website
Century Media Records