I must be really weird.

Im just not that big a fan of the really disjointed flow in this track. The last 2 mins is groovy though.

i get you. the song feels like its built from several "parts". i still like it though.
i would have preferred STWTL/DTF/Iesous, but it will kick ass anyway
Awesome. Blakkheims songs are the best on the album so am glad they went with one regardless what one because all three are the album highlights.
The choice of video doesn't surprise me...I kinda expected them to do a Blakkheim song when the announced that they had plans to do a video. Not that I'm complaining in any way...Hades Rising has a wicked ending!

Though I've personally gown very fond of the Akerfeldt/Sodomizer tracks...Per's writing and soloing style, in my opinion, is nothing short of masterful. I would have loved to see a video for Earthrot. =]
To me its mindboggling that so many people have this track as their fave tune.
I still dont get why its so damn popular, is it mainly because the epic ending that people praise this song?
^ i just think each individual part of the song is really cool, not just the ending. they dont really flow together though lol, but they're all really good. like weak aside except not as good and doesnt flow!!!
still great
To me its mindboggling that so many people have this track as their fave tune.
I still dont get why its so damn popular, is it mainly because the epic ending that people praise this song?

The ending is a bonus every time, the track itself makes me think the melodic ending is an instrumental pause for the next song :p

Hades Rising chorus blows me away every time